How Will I Know! [if he really loves me]

Cool. So we’re going to re-litigate the 2016 election through the speakership of the House. Makes sense. Thanks Bernie.

It would have if the Bernie dropouts voted. 

Eh, no.  Acosta assaulted that moron.  

Can’t troll all the time you feel me.  Sometimes I have to just be honest. 

“Drump is so dumb, chekc out this new dumb thing about him or some shit lols.”

Ah, gotcha.  We’re on the same page.  We’re actually saying the same thing.  My point was also that focusing on gym feats is pointless, that one should instead focus on creating a much stronger body within its natural shape and limits.  The way to do that is with free weights, body resistance, and aerobics. 

No, I imagine that is not the question. The question seems to be “Why the defeatist attitude?”

It means you can see my pulse. 

Highly impossible suggestion. 

What are you all on?  I am trying to make fun of you for being self-destructive purists instead of hard hat and lunch pail centrists that go to work and get things done. 

You progressives are an odd sort indeed.  Calling each other tomatoes and dicking around on the internet all day.  

Gotta hand it to Trump. He does know how to win. We can deny it until the cows come home, but that’s not bringin’ in the bacon anymore. Trump understands that centrism wins. That’s why he picked McCarthy.

I have a perfect skeletal structure and I maintain the visibility of that structure through the maintenance  of appropriate amounts of functional muscle and a diet that provides no more than necessary nutrition. Given my caloric burn rate, that means I eat an irregularly large amount of dead animal. My body is not a

Oh NO!!! We picked a smart, experienced centrist that can bring more votes to our party! What are we gonna do???

New testament is fact.

That is not true at all. At all. There is a huge swath of America that is politically malleable. They just want to go about their lives and not be distracted by too much change too quickly.

Pullups and dips are body resistance. If you have built a body incapable of performing either without machine assistance, you are building the wrong body.

Protip: The Old Testament is fake.  

If you are slammed back into the grays tomorrow, realize that it’s because of this off topic comment.