The only winning move is not to play

What’s this about forced virility?

I probably should have worded that better. I meant that I wouldn’t insult Thunberg like that.

By “her”, I was referring to Thunberg.

I mean that I respect Thunberg, and would not call her an “Autistic fucking wench”

Well, she earned that award, that’s for sure. Rarely have I seen a bigger CUNT.

I was 5 in 1989 so I have more buying power now. 

I’m 5 foot 13 and I just fit in the ND.

“...the first Miata in 1989 started at $13,800, or around $29,283 in today’s money...”

Was the joke lame? Yes
Was the joke racist, homophobic/transphobic, anti-Semitic or etc? Nope 
Is it worth getting fired over? Nope

Memes generally annoy me but this one works. You get so many stars.

These are the same dead enders who proudly fly Confederate flags, remember.

When you scrolling through the want ads, see “Offensive Coordinator,” and think “I could do that.”

Kanye seems to be caught up in that “thinking the opposite of what people are used to means I’m thinking freely” mentality that most people grow out of in adolescence. That doesn’t make you a free thinker, just a contrarian. You’re still just as concerned with what other people think.

Republicans are on TV saying they don’t need more truth, facts or evidence cause the voters say so and they (Republicans) all agree with each other. :/

Delivery driver was imitating Breaking Bad?



Bleach is not an effective mold killer, don’t bother with it. Just use vinegar.

Bleach is not an effective mold killer, don’t bother with it. Just use vinegar.

The consumer should just buy a new one.  They’re $1 at the dollar store.

The consumer should just buy a new one.  They’re $1 at the dollar store.

Maybe the suppliers really are making deliveries, but leaving them out on the front lawn instead of ringing the doorbell or leaving them on the porch.