The only winning move is not to play

This seems like a smart thing to do with a near billionaire who is also 6'9" and muscular as hell.

That always seemed counter-intuitive to me. I always figured the vaccines would be hailed by the anti-mask/anti-lockdown crowd as the catalyst for getting us out of the pandemic. Boy, was I wrong.

He was also “Candy Cane” Rusty Nail in Joy Ride.

The fact that she shaved her head in defiance of #4080 record company goons only endeared her more to cis-het guys like me back in the 80s/90s.

Not to mention, this.

Oh Boy! Text! The dream of 80's BBSs lives on!

You might say you want to

To be real, the “Blue check crowd” these days could be anybody. Like, 100% Musk sockpuppets.

Of course a couple who just birthed a baby needs a much larger EV.
How else would this fit into a “family sedan?”



When I owned a car I also rented when I took long trips. Usually not luxury/exotics, though.

A. D. M.

Pretty sure Don Cheadle caused the 1987 crash.
Study it out.

I currently don’t own a car (only motorcycle). When I need a car for long trips, I rent. It’s likely what I would do if I owned an EV.

My first car cost $500. Oh wait, you said “nice.

Well, to be fair (LOL), he never intended to actually buy the thing. He was just trolling, you know, doing it for teh lulz.

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