The only winning move is not to play

All these supposedly smart people creating Twitter clones. If only they spent their time doing something valuable for society — like curing cancer, or playing beer pong.

How many more times can this guy shoot himself in the foot before there’s no foot left to shoot?

I’d much prefer they just bring back cute young girls (and guys) on roller skates bringing my order out to my car.

Next you’ll just be able to stand on the sidewalk and wave at them to give you a ride.*

One veteran, a metal sculptor who showcases his profession in videos, said his fellow veterans would call him if he hadn’t posted in a few days because they worried about his mental health. He said he did not know where else he could find such a community.

So say goodnight to the Bad Guy!”

What if NFTs, Digipets and Beanie Babies had a threesome, Alex?

My ONLY misgiving about working from home is the potential of blurring the lines between being on the clock and being off.

He doesn’t spend time with his kids, why should you?

Freedom of speech is hugely important, and doubly so when it comes to bad people.

Japanese and S. Korean cars also sucked during their first few years selling in the U.S. market. I am old enough to remember the running (or not) joke that Hyundais were in the mid-1980s.

I know.

Well, at least it’s not like he can go out and buy a judge.

LOL, I read that as ‘PsyOps’ at first.

WTF with Marc Maron was probably my first. This American Life and Planet Money probably next, but TAL was a radio show already.