The difference is now it spreads across the world with lightning speed.
The difference is now it spreads across the world with lightning speed.
Matt Walsh rose to prominence lonnnggg before 2022.
I am old enough to remember when “African American” jumped from academia to the broader culture (also old enough to have experienced Mr. Freeman as “Easy Reader*,” can I get an Amen). It was... awkward. Well-meaning white folks thought that “black” had somehow become an insult, and the then-equivalent of today’s…
While I’m happy to see a Brother listed
Russia. The answer is Russia.
Like most people, I just buy what I need/want regardless of a company’s politics; I regard most of them as counter to my ethos anyway. I may make some exceptions -- I try to steer clear of, say, Nestle, or Black Rifle Coffee -- but for the most part I neither boycott nor virtue buy.
But the numbers won’t be big and he’ll probably just renege on the offer and start taking 40% off the top by
Mother’s Day4/20.
If ever there were a perfect “Caption Contest” picture, this is it.
Let’s play “excuses for why he filmed this” Bingo!
Yeah, and used a knife not a gun like a Real™ American would.
This is going to be studied by future Wharton students as yet another cautionary tale of what NOT to do in business.
If 80% of people are watching ‘reality’ programming, that explains a lot about this country
garbage, but to the MAX!
Privacy? On the internet? LOL
The 7-8 game is a joke (the whole play-in is). The winner gets to be the seventh seed, while the loser gets to ... play another crap team to maybe be the eighth seed.
Being the terminally-online person he is, when he heard BBC he thought he was going to talk to a well-endowed male of African descent.