The only winning move is not to play

I know you are but wh...”

Remember: this is a man who thinks the photo on the right is an “improvement” over the one on the left.

Steven Seagal—-an American who didn’t think or feel anything

Been a WTF listener since the beginning. Gold standard.

Say what you will about TMZ (I know I do), but they are usually pretty solid in terms of straight reporting.

Every single “related” video shown next to his should be raw footage from Jan 6 (and no, not the Cucker Tarlson version).

By Bakaris Sellers

Well, to be fair, it’s used to bash LGBT people as well.

Both can be true.
In the same boat, bruddah (Or sistrah).

“God damn it, I wish I hadn’t invented this internet thing.”

Like, go outside? Experience life away from keyboards?

Guess I’ll have to take down my ATCQ fan page.

Mass-produced TVs are the complete opposite of “bespoke.” Bespoke would be if the CEO of Roku came to every individual’s home and assembled a TV from artisan silicon chips and organically-grown capacitors.

“Innocent until proven guilty” is for the legal system, Holmes. This is the court of public opinion. There is no such expectation of that here.

Yet there are trails of unpaid bills all over the Twitter 2.0 landscape: unpaid severance to ran-and-file and execs, unpaid commercial rents, he’s even stiffed Amazon for cloud services (and I’m sure there’s much more).

CYB is the directory name, likely stands for Cybertronic. INT4 likely means interior, and it’s the fourth instance. CEC = Chuck E. Cheese.