The only winning move is not to play

Seagal I wholeheartedly agree with, but Academy Award winner Nicolas Cage is a good actor, who just chooses a shitton of bad scripts.

Thank you.

Firefox. I probably set a preference to block animated GIFs at some point. It plays in other browsers.

Do you not understand that it’s not the same people buying the TV’s, right? iPhones on the other hand...

Ooh, someone reinvented the court stenographer machine I see.

Ah, it’s only animated if I click it for some reason.

Me thinks you don’t get the joke?

Complete with the wrong spelling of “lose.

Cabela’s gets a pass as well.

My name is like that (but not as bad as Carol Unt).

“Anti-Woke” bank.

This username takes me back to 1983!

History shows again and again
how science (or denying it)
points out the folly of man.

“Social” media dweebs do dumb social media things, exhibit #4,080, 514.

Yeah, they won’t though.

It’s much too soon to politicize this. You oughta be ashamed.

those who referred to it as a “new economy” in egalitarian and utopian terms

Curb Larry should open his own crypto exchange across the street OUT OF SPITE.
