Get ready to take some L’s, genius.
Get ready to take some L’s, genius.
I saw “Queen is Dead” on Twitter and immediately worried about Beyoncé.
On the other hand, you can remove solar panels and take them with you if you move, but you can’t do that with solar shingles.
If there’s one thing that could make the living trash heap that is “reality” TV almost look respectable, it’s “social” media.
Some hackers are actually Google ads.
“You could get a smack for that.”
As a certified old, I can say unequivocally, it was much better growing up before the age of “influencers”.
Of course, all the land bank properties are in places I don’t want to live in or own property.
With rum is the only correct answer.
Or, you know, when the label says 59 52 ounces on a product that used to be 64.
I mean, when a “pint” of ice cream is now only 14 13.5 12.9 ounces, really what recourse do we have (if we don’t really want to buy a larger size — if it even exists)?
I am an attorney at representing Ms. Streisand at the Los Angeles office of the esteemed firm Dewey, Cheatham and Howe.
I am Groat.
Tasha K. Cardi B.
Does anybody have a full last name anymore?
Please, Sir or Madam, take this One Internet for the day.