I read the headline the same way. Seinfeld on the brain.
I read the headline the same way. Seinfeld on the brain.
I think that is the hidden and more appropriate meaning behind “fuck-me shoes”
If she has that in writing, I would imagine she has a pretty good case.
There’s absolutely no reason why it couldn’t be more fun and light than DS9, and still be deeply serialized (eventually) like DS9.
It’s progressing toward that? It’s not there yet? The world shall tremble, hell shall freeze over, and the four horseman shall ride when Gotham reaches Peak Cheese if it hasn’t reached it already:)
It’s not that bad. It’s pretty bad, mind you. It’s probably the lowest quality thing I watch, aside from Gotham. I wish I could quit both these horrible, cringe-inducing shows, but I can’t quite bring myself to stop watching.
She definitely needs to grow into her role, and in general, minimizing the cutesy. It’s fine for this season, but next year she needs to grow into the role a little bit more.
His hate is so dreamy :)
Let me clarify, it is of course much better than ShadowHunters. I couldn’t get through a single episode of that.
Watching the Expanse would leave my eyeholes pretty gunked up. (I love the books, but the series has problems.
That better not be your way of saying the Buffy is somehow lower quality or fluffier than Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul. Different types of storytelling, definitely, but absolutely not lower quality in any way.
After the first couple seasons. I still maintain that the first 3 seasons or so of Glee were pretty fantastic. After that, it definitely went downhill.
Going to have to disagree with you there, Sens8 was a very good show. A little bit slow burning, but it consistently got better and better.
What the hell are you talking about?!? There is no geek that would be confused by those opinions. Straw man, all the way.
I would have thought that was a given :)
I love the Expanse novels, but I can’t really blame anyone for not caring about the Expanse series. I’m still watching it, but it is a pale shadow of the novels. Getting a little better, I guess, but still has a LONG way to go.
They absolutely better be in it for the long haul. Expectations for this Spiderman are sky-high. He better be fantastic, and he (the same actor) better be committed to the role for at least 4 movies.
Your correction makes you sound even worse. Please stop why you are behind.
Yea, I read it a couple of times. Missing something
I don’t know how many times we have to tell you apologists that box office does not equal people liking a movie does not equal the quality of the movie. Many, many movies do extremely well in the box office, but they are universally regarded as crap films and even people that paid money to see them can’t defend them…