
You are a disgusting pig. Enjoy your Secret Service interview.

Is Kinja the comment system? Because it’s the worst piece of shit comment system I’ve ever seen. Literally designed to maintain the stupid circle jerk and make 2nd-class commenters of anyone with a new point of view. “The greys” = conservative ghetto quarantine. You’re pansies afraid of seeing crimethink.

Fuck Gawkmodo in the ass. Destructive assholes.

You are the Swamp. Living off our taxes and spitting in our face.

That’s about 10% of the revolting anti-Trump threats that appear on Gawkmodo every day - not just in the comments, either.

Has there ever been such a transparent diversionary astroturf as the sudden “Me too” campaign? No, Hollywood, it’s not about US, it’s about YOU. Don’t take your unique, above-it-all, no rules lifestyle and pretend it’s the same everywhere. I’m sure EVERY woman has felt creeped out by a leer at work. But the

Projection much? I’m talking about the thinly-veiled socialism and politicization of the Justice and IRS Depts more than Nixon ever dreamed of achieving. The Executive Orders/Memorandums... the illegal treaties by fiat... And you fucking go to RACE? Asshole.

Because you’re so much more important than the half of the country that felt the same way for the last 8 years. You realize that *Obama* was the anomaly in our political history, right?

Apparently smelling the imminent collapse of the Obamacare Frankenstein, the left and its media agents are apparently all coordinating promotion of the “Trump sabotaged it!” storyline. Delusional media fucks. So transparent.

That “30 year life expectancy’ trope always drive me crazy. It’s so low because infant and child mortality was so high. I expect that the average person who reached adulthood went on to reach old age. Probably just the mid-60s instead of around 80 like today, but still, they got old.

Yeah, I’ve heard this lie hundreds of times before... from the liberal media. Corporations don’t write, edit, produce, direct and select the important news stories. People do. And the peopl who comprise the newsmedia - the content creators who decide whether you see something or not, how it’s presented, and how much

How can you Gawker refugees be so blind and oblivious to the hate that pours out of you every day? Breitbart is an island of calm and sanity compared to Gawkmodo and the seething impotent (and ignorant) rage that consumes your sites and your sycophant audience.

Isn’t it amazing that people willing to use their eyes and ears were so easily able to identify media liberals during the decades they were pretending to be objective? Has there ever been a case of a network anchor turning out to be a conservative once they were free to speak for themselves?

I think every decent and thoughtful American owes Gizmodo, and especially Rafi Schwartz, a hearty “fuck you” for blatant political douchebaggery while bodies are still being dragged away. What an asshole.

Leftist logic: “Other cultures in foreign countries should conform to American norms!” - “Immigrants in America should preserve their traditional culture and resist pressure to conform!”


Yeah, the nerve of him, sharing the same views as half of the United States. Why can’t they all just CONFORM??? For the sake of diversity!

Apparently Yesha Callahan’s idea of debate is to say “I know what you’re gonna say and it’s stupid!”. Sorry bitch, no safe spaces from logical consistency!

Go to Hell.

“liberal/rational” = oxymoron