Adios, muchachos!
Adios, muchachos!
How stupid are you to not understand the difference between fact and opinion? Your uninformed opinion, and that of this idiot bitch, is that the POTUS is a “white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself with other white supremacists.”. ESPN needs to fire her for unauthorized editorializing as a company…
When oh when is Gawkmodo going to go away???
Anyone who cares what the Southern Poverty law Center says is an idiot. That hate-mongering shakedown racket deserves to go the way of ACORN.
It’s clear from your published work that you are a damaged person, and kind of a whore. What’s one more fetish to your list?
When did Gawkmodo declare the DAILY homicide epidemic in Chicago to be “Obama’s America”? Will there now be an article crying racism every time a black guy assaults or robs a white guy? Are there even enough electrons on the internet to support the bandwidth that would take?
Monique is apparently that large in order to contain all the hate in her heart for the half of America which opposes her race-based worldview.
There is no mainstream liberal media site with a free and open comment system. What does that tell you? Liberals can’t stand the crimethink that comes with free speech.
Yeah, like DACA, open borders, widespread government dependence, drug legalization and felon voting isn’t the DEMOCRAT Party trying to build an electorate to keep it in power.
Oh look, Gawker zooming to the rescue because some cunt ANTIFA professorin Nebraska attacked a student handing out completely innocuous free speech flyers by repeatedly screaming “Becky” at her.
This screed was published on Gawker/Gizmodo/Univision, the moral, legal, and ethical equivalent of shit-slinging chimpanzees. What else do you need to know? They’re total fucking idiots.
You fucking animals are insane. Cheering violence against people for having repellent opinions. I guess we should have been punching you fucking commies for 50 years now.
This is hilarious. What a miserable hateful ugly world it must be to go through life as a Leftist, seeing race in everything, seeing oppression everywhere, desperately searching for excuses and rationalizations for your every failure as a man. Including trying to erase the definition of “man”.
And your comment proves that you are either a liar or a person incapable of using a dictionary. A policeman who kills in the lawful exercise of his duties is not committing murder. The end. Maybe you (wrongly) disagree with the cops’ reaction. Maybe you think cops should be unarmed. You can think any crazy thought you…
And as usual, the mob here wants people beaten for saying things they don’t like, and exercising their right to march. I don’t care if it’s the fucking KKK, or the Communist party or fucking NAMBLA peacefully marching down the street with a permit. If you want them beaten, then ***YOU**** are the goddamn fascist, no…
Keep letting that fascist mask slip. I love when leftists reveal their true evil authoritarianism. The Left’s lust for power and their delusion that they can perfect mankind is never satisfied. The insanity just ramps up until they feel morally obligated to exterminate or imprison their enemies. This is why Leftist…
You are legally, morally, and grammatically incorrect, and he would be within his legal rights to sue you for libel. Words do not mean what YOU say they mean. He is not guilty and not liable. Your “hands up don’t shoot” and “gentle giant” fairy tales are lies. Brown should have been dealt with by the defenseless…
Oh look how quick Gawkmodo’s left-bots are to throw around the “T” word, when their bullying Antifa riots finally send someone over the edge into rage violence.
“A murderer walked free”. Fuck you, liar.
I see the thug Left has provoked another riot by attacking people they disagree with. There is literally no question in any rational mind that the “anti”-fascists have become real fascists, and the people they call fascists are normal American taxpayers expressing opinions that cause Leftists to attack them.