Fuck you.
Fuck you.
This is not an argument. This is not an argument.This is not an argument.This is not an argument.This is not an argument.This is not an argument.This is not an argument.This is not an argument.This is not an argument.This is not an argument.This is not an argument.This is not an argument.This is not an argument.This…
HA HA HA What a shit-for-brains lunatic you are.
Fuck you, Gawker.
Great... now *I* have permission from Gawkmodo to go around punching commies in the head, right? BRILLIANT article. Really bringing America together! /s
I know you cowardly pussies shadowban all conservatives so no one is likely to see this, but you fuckers have lost your goddamn minds.
Just fucking go away, Gawkmodo. Time to reassess your utter failure as a company and individually as “writers”.
Complete and utter lie. Obama issued most of his decress as either “Executive Actions” or “Presidential Memos” and directed the various agencies to treat them with the same force of law. His semantic exercise was designed to fly under the radar, and with his sycophant media accomplices, it has.
“Hawai’i”? Is this the new douchey virtue-signalling for solidarity with the natives? Like saying “kaiju” instead of “giant monsters”? So obnoxious.
Oh, Gawkmodo. Imagine forcing people to engage in a creative activity for pay, for a patron they disagree with. How horrible. Unless it involves cake baking, then they shouldn’t just be fired, they should be sued and then maybe go to jail.
Stop spouting the same crap over and over. The popular vote is the way it is BECAUSE OF THE CAMPAIGNS THAT WERE RUN. Trump didn’t even bother campaigning in liberal CA and NY because he couldn’t win. Different campaign = different results. He won his game of 4D chess, and you want to declare a winner based on the…
Finally some sense here.
The “will of the electorate” based on a campaign NOT run to win the popular vote, but to win the Electoral College. Only a 4 year old tries to change the winner of a game by retroactively changing the rules. Do you think the Cubs should share the championship because the Indians scored as many runs as they did in the…
The campaigns were run to win the Electoral College, not the popular vote. That’s why Trump spent half as much money, by not have to bother buying ads in California and New York, and Hillary was stupid to do so. If they were going after popular vote, there were a lot of low-hanging fruit in states Trump rightfully…
The “will of the people” who were courted and campaigned for based on the existence of the Electoral College. Only a fool thinks the voting would have been the same if the campaigns had been run to win the popular vote. For all you know, Trump might have won that too, if the rules were different and it wasn’t a…
How.... how did this article get past the Gawkmodo anti-Trump filters? Can this be a crack in the wall of leftist stupidity that has defined this collection of sites for the last year or so?
Substitute “black” for “white” in any of these tweets, and not only would Gawkmodo readers applaud, but she’d be mimicking hopeful DNC head, Congressman Keith Ellison.
Another last-ditch lame-duck administrative obstruction. Democrats will never learn why they lose.
Are you familiar with “projection”?
With an opposing opinion, fuck you.