
Why do conservatives subject themselves to the Legion of Liberal Newsclowns? It’s time to shut down the hivemind of what... a DOZEN of these idiots? All with the same leftist talking points, all in control of the script and the editing, with dozens of writers larding them up with “clever” gotchas. Fuck the whole lot

How long will it be until activists decide that the term “mental illness” somehow invalidates the perceptions of the differently-conscioused? Shouldn’t we be tolerant of those with alternate sanity? (Please dear God, don’t let a sarcasm tag be necessary)

Too bad no one is watching anymore. Great job, SJWs!

He didn’t do anything good.

Why don’t you hold your breath until all your troubles go away?

He’s a 10-year old undergoing a huge growth spurt trying to stay awake at 3am. Meantime, Hillary had worn herself out with a violent drunken tantrum and was safely tucked in bed.


The First Lady HAS no official duties or title. Nor does she get paid. Nor was she elected. I’d rather they threw tea parties all day than open their ill-informed traps like Michelle and Hillary did all the time.

I forgot... since Gawkers’ shitstain Gizmodo urged everyone to boo Mike Pence today, I will assert my exact same right to reply “FUCK YOU” to every Gizmodo post.

“One feces cake, baked under protest, coming right up!”

Just like bakers should spit into cakes they are forced to bake, right?

Similarly, every leftist political screed on failing Gizmodo must be greeted with a lusty “FUCK YOU” whenever it vomits out onto the internet. Since I’m not a PAYING CUSTOMER I have more right to insult you than the children playing pretend on that stage had to insult patron Mike Pence.

Shocker! The swamp resists being drained? Incredible! Look, the ungoverned, unelected, Constitutionally dubious 4th branch of government known as the permanent regulatory state needs to be BLOWN UP. To much power has accrued to anonymous rulemakers and unaccountable Departments. If Congress wants a law, it should pass


This analysis is BS. They purely look at formally named “Executive Orders”. Obama subverted the process by issuing about 1,000 more of these with disguised names of “Executive Actions” and “Presidential Memos”. All with the exact same force and effect. And he isn’t done yet. Govern by fiat; see it all get undone by

You know, the polite term “had sex” is just one space longer than “fucked”.

Oh, the hysteria... and I mean that in the true Greek sense. How does Gawker/Deadspin/UNIVISION even find writers so full of fear, anger, and a desperate need for attention?

Why do investors and stockholders let liberal writers hijack every single comedy show? What is to be gained by pandering exclusively to 50% of the country instead of to all Americans? And more importantly, out of thousands of entertainment shows, why do NONE of them even attempt to appeal just as passionately to the

It hurts to lose, doesn’t it? The Presidency, the House, the Senate, the Governorships, the State Houses, every argument you ever had, the affection of anyone who ever got to know you... If you didn’t act like such a smug condescending asshole I’d feel sorry for you. But, like your mother’s love, you don’t deserve it.

Your salty tears taste so sweet! It must hurt so badly to realize that all your accusations of “hate” and “anger” have just been projection all along. You hate America. You hate your fellow citizens. You hate people who’ve earned more than you, and those who know more than you. You hate that nobody wants to take care