Warren heap big commie dimwit.
Warren heap big commie dimwit.
I’m behind Keith Ellison for the chair, as long as I get to pull the switch!
“DRUMPF.... hurr durrr...”. Give it up. It didn’t work, and John Oliver is clinically retarded.
I know three people named Schumer - Amy, Chuck and Arlen. I wonder why they’re all snarky liberal assholes?
Oh look, dissent and obstruction are patriotic again! Screw you leftists. You lost. Everything... House, Senate, Presidency, Governorships, State Houses. If it wasn’t for the crooked lying media shoving your propaganda down the public’s’ throat, your failed ideology couldn’t win a race for Dog Catcher. As some asshole…
“White nationalists celebrate”? Really? All the arsonist, rioting street thugs, painting anti-Trump graffiti are “white nationalists”? Fuck Harry Reid, that crooked, lying, drunk piece of shit.
“protestors”. I think you misspelled “RIOTERS”.
I dispute your use of “wise”. I’m a little suspicious about “man” as well. But don’t worry, the media will gin up OUTRAGE about presidential overreach when all Trump does is cancel a lot of Obama’s record-breaking Executive Orders. And before anyone posts the lie about Obama having fewer Executive Orders, please…
50% of America is doing just great! Why do you ask?
You mean Killary?
If your children are scared, it’s because YOU scared them yourself or failed to rebut media, celebrity, and opposition bullshit. You were SO sure of your inevitable, entitled, and of course “morally deserving” victory that you felt perfectly comfortable making Trump out to be a combination of Hitler and Freddy…
I weep no tears for lawbreakers. Sad for the kids, but the criminal parents bear 100% of that responsibility. The length of time that criminals manage to escape detection and punishment does nothing to lessen my contempt. Especially since there has been plenty of time to have figured out how to get legal. Most never…
OR... you could teach math, science, classical literature, critical thinking, and American History, and keep your damn illusions about being a surrogate parent/priest to yourself.
Well, Mr. or Mrs Government Employee, if you can’t bring yourself to give the same lecture about “peaceful transition of power” and “respect for the office” that you were going to give after Hillary won, then you should realize that you are not an educator but are a partisan activist babysitter. Then you should get…
“Well rounded”, like an asshole.
You know what would REALLY weaken the 1st Amendment? The thing your side wants to do - overturn Citizens United. For those whose education comes from media idiots, in 2001 “Campaign Finance Reform” legislation gave government the power of prior restraint over “electioneering communications” 60 days before an election.…
This is what Gawker/Gizmodo does - political blogging. They want to be DailyKos, and their gimmick is to trick readers into reading their partisan crap by packaging it into clickbait websites reportedly about cars, pop culture, tech, women, sports, etc.
That’s what they do, political blogging. They want to be DailyKos, and their gimmick to trick readers into reading their partisan crap is to package it into clickbait websites reportedly about cars, pop culture, women, sports, etc.
I know what else you can do! Drop dead, you elitist American-hating failure. And on your way to the curb, take the failed remnants of 8 years of Obamaland with you.
“Don’t move to Canada”.