
Suddenly dissent is patriotic again? Suddenly gridlock and obstructionism is good? Suddenly it’s not “treason” to announce opposition to the new President on day one?

So it’s FINALLY OK after 8 years to criticize Sasha and Malia?

On behalf of the 51% of Americans who utterly disagree with your twisted lies about political, economic, and social issues, let me first wish a hearty “F U C K Y O U” to the bitter hangers on from Gawker, After that, we look forward to your working hand in hand with your Republican President, House, and Senate in the

Gawker Lives!

But strangely not allowed the same access to the “secret” debate questions that the head of the DNC is. Funny how that works.

Another example of the Left-Media-Democrat axis rigging the system. When people say “rigged”, voter fraud is the least of it. This partisan hackery, this simple cheating, just demonstrates how deeply ingrained the political advocacy is in every media organization, whether print, broadcast, cable, tech, or social.

A nice long paean to a loser. So many Gawker tropes in this article.