
I'd argue it works better in "Michelle" because the whole point of that song is that the singer has no idea what he's saying and doesn't know French beyond that single phrase.

Honestly, their singles in the past year aren't some of their best work. The song they did for Suicide Squad is probably the worst thing I've heard from them.

specifically "frat boy who smokes weed and thinks he can play the guitar and thinks he's deep"


It's always awkward going back to your ex.

Madea Rogues to Jail

I knew that something weird would happen once Disney took over Star Wars, but I never expected a pop star with a secret double life.

Hell, the theme immediately popped into my head as soon as I saw the title of the article.

"All the Sith Things"

"A Hard Death Star's Night"

"Get a Jabba"

I didn't know Brian Wilson was helping to arrange the score too.

I loved the scores for Inside Out (one of the first movie soundtracks I bought immediately after seeing the film since Coraline) and Up, so I'm very pleased with this decision.

On-model is really just a suggestion in most episodes, to be completely fair. Half the frames in "Message Received" especially seemed wonky for the sake of action and movement. They seem to take inspiration from the Ren and Stimpy school of animation a lot of the time in this show, expressiveness over on-model.

On a different note, this is the last new episode for a while? Shame, I was just getting into a rhythm with this :/

To be honest, those masks reminded me more of Shy Guys than anything. Which, I mean, fitting for who they were.

I mean, what kid doesn't want to kill bugs?

Worse, his gem is missing.

That seemed a bit naive even for Steven.

How does SU taste?