
Now I just wish that wallet guy from Back to the Future: Part II was in this episode.

Uncle Grandpa cared enough to sink their ship.

I feel like people even generally assume that cops exist until told otherwise in a show anyway.


I mean, the theme song sorta has a similar structure to the chorus of "Space Oddity", close enough?

I feel like he was just making a Duck Dodgers reference there.

To be honest, I was half waiting for the episode itself to outright say that joke rather than just hint at it.

There's a joke here about a defective Pearl…

I mean, not quite what I was getting at there. I dislike Family Guy for reasons unrelated to that, though.

Hmm… You're right, they're definitely not awful, and they are cute, but I don't think I'd want to pay $7 a pop for those figures.

So would you consider the Ramones hipster rock in that case? Or, well, a lot of punk rock in general?

if he didn't throw them into the ocean while in the drama zone, that is.

To be fair to Superman, I'm sure the Kents probably filed some paperwork for him to be legally their child and a citizen.

I know they've got the show set up so that every episode is explicitly from Steven's perspective, but I wonder if they'd ever do a short that focuses on side characters exclusively with no Steven.

I've said it before, Pearl dress-up set, we need it. With matching weapons. And (after this episode) a puzzle set with no corners.

Aw, I'd been considering getting them after my girlfriend and I saw them in two separate stores in one day (first at a comic/record store, later at a Gamestop), but that's disappointing to hear that they're not well made.

*smashes 2*

I mean, she IS "the hot one."

*doesn't want to admit my first concert that I remember going to was *NSYNC and instead wants to pretend it was that Casualties show I went to a few years ago*

Thinking about it, this certainly felt a lot more like a Regular Show episode than a Steven Universe one. Y'know, minus the third act random supernatural threat to tie everything together.