He also basically scammed a ton of people in a crowdfunding campaign. Look up Oaxis if you want more details on that. It paints him in a pretty bad light.
He also basically scammed a ton of people in a crowdfunding campaign. Look up Oaxis if you want more details on that. It paints him in a pretty bad light.
Alright, I didn’t know about The Brothers Grunt, and I just gotta say, what the fuck did you just do to me? Was that assault?
A game that’s 2 generations old to kick us off. Seems like a weird choice.
One of the big arcs of this season has been Beth coming to grips with being her father’s daughter. Having Beth do the season ending fourth wall break, I felt, was a nod to that, and to Rick having lost the control he thought he had at the beginning of the season.
I’m going to work on the thesis to this later, but let me just say that while I understand that harmon and roiland don’t like the sexist fans they’ve attracted, which is understandable, no one does, the show, knowingly or not, does a lot to attract and feed such fans. From its themes, to how the characters are…
The whole government thing with the president seemed like it would have worked a bit better last year. Granted it’s not their fault, no one saw trump coming, but some of the writing falters more than if literally anyone else had been elected.
Commander in queef. Morty, you cad
I think the fact that she remembers the conversation about coming herself means she’s not a clone. Wasn’t one of the conditions of him cloning her was that she’d not know about it? The whole point was what he stated. Lots of smart people just can’t turn their brains off and be happy.
See, this is what I wanted “ABCs of Beth” to be—even though I love the episode, and it’s heart-on-sleeve climax. This, however, feels far more graceful. Rick can’t outrun the people he shackles himself to, which is why he can go Tom and Jerry on the president. He doesn’t care about the president, but even if he can’t…
I really enjoyed Rick and Morty being on the same page, mocking the president together like friends or even equals. Especially after that R&M Origins video revealed that the biggest threat to the show getting made at all was Adult Swim execs hating how Morty was nothing but a spineless idiot in the pilot script. …
This has been a weird season of Rick and Morty. On the one hand, I’ve REALLY loved a lot of it; hell, on an episode to episode basis, it might be the best season. But as my (far more discussed than I thought it would be) post from last week posited, I’ve started to have some weird hangups in the last few weeks. And I…
“Are you still here? Shouldn’t you be going down to your next version of Earth with your selfie-craving, starfucked sidekick?”
nightvale means that all the “plus sized” models they have on Project Runway (and honestly, it’s also true of 99% of “plus sized” models I’ve seen generally) are hour glass. So in fact they’re making the same complaint you have: when designers say “plus sized” they mean one very particular body shape, the “if you…
All of the plus-size woman are hourglass shaped, too. It’s not like they have to design clothes for women who have different proportions.
I know. It’s so bad. Two weeks ago where the one was having a melt down I hadn’t been paying enough attention to actually know who she was dressing. Then I saw the model and was like ‘I AM THE SAME SIZE AS THAT MODEL. WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK’
OMG...half the time they complain about having a “bigger” model and then you look at her and realize she’s probably a size six. This is particularly annoying, for me, with the women because the tend to be around the same size as the models they’re talking about. Like, bitch, really...just design for yourself. You’ve…
Oh, watch the current season of Project Runway. The show runners do fine with the premise of having models of all sizes (they essentially go ‘here’s what normal America looks like. Make clothes for them). But the designers. fuuuckkkkk. They are so bad. All the terrible euphemisms. ‘Plus sized’ for women who are my,…
Normally, I despise auto corrects. But, this was glorious.