
This is my new favorite euphemism for crying.

I did! The butterflies in particular kinda bugged me (no pun intended).

That's just a matter of how the show is presented, solely through Steven's point-of-view. It'd be interesting to see him around Connie while she's in school or something, so we get a better view there, but it might be a bit far-fetched of an idea for them to try to pull off.

He's a fluffy lil munchkin.

I'll say this, her moving might not necessarily be a problem, since Lion could just warp Steven to wherever she is, and vice versa. Granted, I'm not sure Lion would appreciate being used as a taxi, but it wouldn't necessarily be the first time it's happened.

Now I'm imagining going into a therapist's office and this happening:

Steven Universe is pretty much exactly like what he was talking about in his plea to keep PBS's funding back in the day.

"Hold the phone. Now, give the phone to me" was one of my favorite lines in a show in a long time.

I liked the song, but I felt like Estelle's vocal performance wasn't the best in it (at least, the take they went with wasn't). Seemed a bit slurred in parts and she hit a few bum notes here and there. Almost kinda felt like they just went with her first crack at the song and didn't try for a better take. Her voice

Man, I just spent half my day on the phone with my girlfriend, the two of us commiserating with each other over our anxieties and depression and how out of balance we are internally, so this episode is actually exactly what I needed right now. Wish we had a Garnet in our lives to help guide us like that. This

"it's like bringing a symphony to a soft, gentle finish, but replacing
the final note with several minutes of rapid piano key mashing."

Who would be Mario, Peach, and Toad, then?

Not really, they were explicitly trying to create pop music with electronic instruments.

I mean, music consisting mostly or solely of electronic sounds has been around since at least the '60s. Check out Perrey and Kingsley's stuff sometime.

You don't have to be old to be an old geezer.

Are you telling me that Yoshi's Island wasn't a documentary, then? Why would Nintendo lie to me like that?

d'oh, wasn't intentional but I'll still take the credit for that pun

I seriously enjoyed how Smoky inherited Amethyst and Steven's insecurities about their status and amped it up to the max. Right before Sardonyx broke, when Smoky started cracking those super self-deprecating jokes (or rather just being down on themself in a jokey tone of voice), I actually felt those insecurities in

I'm curious, legitimately curious, does it affect your ears in the same way when you hear the dialogue in games like Okami or Animal Crossing? (Or even just like E. Gadd in Luigi's Mansion.)