
Duuuuuude, that would actually be rad.

Wasn't really meant to be a *plot* episode, though, more of a character study. Or, rather, a pair of character studies.

Maybe depower rather than overpower?

This is the first time I've ever been able to consistently participate in these discussions to at least some degree, so I've definitely appreciated it.

I loved Sardonyx crawling around the house like a spider and going in the tiny door like she's Willy Wonka or something. Alexia Khadime in general really nailed down a very Gene Wilder tone in some of her line reads.

Holy crap. I didn't even consider that Garnet not asking questions could've stemmed from Rose's "no more questions" spiel.

You know what would be hilarious? If she came back in like an episode or two, in the wake of that joke.

I really do need to wonder if that's what actually happened, that they wanted to use Nicki's Sugilite voice clips and were told by legal they need to pay royalties in order to do so, despite them being archived recordings.
(If so, I'm glad still, because that was my favorite joke in the episode. A million hypothetical

Steven is a surprisingly good vessel for violent slapstick comedy (though I did feel like the times he got hurt it seemed a bit unfair to him).

Kind of ironic that Army and Navy weren't the war vets.

Oh God, now I'm expecting a horrifying episode in which Steven locks himself in Rose's room to get some answers, demanding that it tell him all it knows, thus leading to it basically creating a holodeck version of the greatest hits from the war. Cue tons of crying and Steven seeing his mother as he never expected.

"eye need an adult"

See, I felt like that visual was supposed to at least somewhat homage 2001: A Space Odyssey, if only because at this point you can't have someone stranded out in space and NOT homage that in some way.

Gracias! Was about to search for this myself.

thanks matpat

I know Steven Universe takes a lot of influence from anime, but I draw the line at some of that influence being Pokémon: The First Movie.

Honestly, the wacky disguise plot felt so thin to me that it really hurt my enjoyment of the episode. The whole time watching I was just in my head going, "We all know how this is going to end—" and it did end that way, or at least that part of the plot did "—so can we please just speed this up so we can get to

My favorite is still "crying while shoving a pie in her face" Pearl. Second is the "Why, yes, I DO like pie!" Pearl.

I need to wonder if Estelle improvised or embellished on that line a bit, because that seemed a very British turn of phrase.

Now I'm wondering if any Earth museums have exhibits on ancient Gem art or culture.