
I enjoyed how even the one who thought Earth seemed lovely was joining in on the earth-kicking.

Man, I can't believe Rose shattered Pink David Bowie.

Everything is Jesus in Lion's Mane is my favorite TV Tropes trope.

Followed by the later reboot Lion Returns, and the even later reboot, Mane of Steel.

I don't really agree with the "Lion is Pink Diamond" theory, but I don't think Lion looking like a male lion necessarily proves it wrong, mostly because Gems CAN reform into any shape they want.

Mufasa had something in his mane that he could've used to protect himself, but Simba really pissed him off the night before and he wanted to teach him a lesson.

I liked that shot, but I kinda wish they did more with that, maybe some jealous infighting between the Rubies that distracts them, leading maybe to Amethyst letting her guard down while watching them fight and accidentally de-shapeshifting. And then the rest of the episode plays out as it did here.

My theory: Beta was established before the war, and Jasper was the first of the bunch to be cooked (thus explaining why she came out so flawlessly). After Pink Diamond was shattered and the Rebellion was on, they hastily implanted Beta with as many Gems as they could feasibly cook at once (thus explaining why the

Speaking of which, can we talk about how amazing it was that Peridot legit thought to fancy herself up by putting on a bowtie? One hell of an appearance modifier for her. And it really accentuates how much her normal outfit can look like a tux if you look at it a certain way.

This is what I'll do when my choices are between paying rent and feeding myself.

That's so sad, the terrorists took your Barney Miller away from you :(

To be honest, I found it funnier than most of Seinfeld's actual cold opens (at least, the ones I've seen), but hey, that's just me.

Ha, I get it!

I hope so, that'd be boss.

We need more Tarantino/SU crossover jokes.

Somewhere where airport security would never think to look.

I can accept that explanation if that's the case. I just always assumed she's just super oblivious and naive about some things.


Sure, she wouldn't have condoned it, but I'd imagine a lot of the humans were probably acting independently of the Crystal Gems in fighting off their, well, alien invaders.

i'm crying