
That framing screenshotted above of Elliot, Robot and Wellick is great.

They specifically mentioned keys for sure in the post-credits scene, so I agree that makes the most sense: there's more or less an encrypted backup of everything somewhere.

The (East) Village

Jeez, Angela, just GET LAMP already!

Whiterose briefly considered setting up a hieroglyphics-based countdown timer for the Red Room but decided it was too tacky.

Damnit, the wireless name isn't "linksys"! This is going to be way harder than we thought…

Oh, well Tyrell's a replicant so no problem there.

I speculated above that it could be the dog thing, yeah. Definitely not 5/9, I'd say.

I seem to remember some lines indicating or implying that Elliot was there by choice (part of why some theories leaned to "mental institution"). Maybe he plead guilty, which would accelerate the process quite a bit.

Barrow's mastery of skimming and gold-plating was temporarily needed at the Rio Olympics, but he's finally available again.

Somebody with an office, a computer, who can have him tossed in solitary, can freely visit other inmates (RT or maybe not on this point). It definitely works.

Tyrell's story has been weird and a little nonsensical from the beginning (but really, whose story hasn't been?). He showed up in odd places, did odd things, knew odd things (I seem to remember we even got a scene of him meeting with Mr. Robot last year). We also got the odd scene where Joanna clearly seemed to

From the moment they put the "my regimented schedule" stuff in the "Previously On," I was expecting and definitely hoping that they'd get the reveal over with this week.

Ray must have existed. Furthermore Elliot's involvement in his shady dealings only ever made sense in an institutional setting, explaining why Elliot needed to work for him just to get computer access.

Like Alex mentioned, I believe we're meant to understand that the letter he got was informing him he's about to be released.

The average prisoner seems to be really into cryptocurrency in this world. Not really sure how they'd go about spending it from within prison, either.

My assumption has been that it's from the stupid dog guy from last year pressing charges, as they made a point of bringing him back up at the end of that season.

I was talking to a friend about the show a week or two ago and I said then that I hoped they would reveal the institution/prison "twist" relatively early on, so I'm happy with this development.

IP is essentially based on the philosophy of John Locke (not the "Lost" guy). In short, did you do the work to make something? Then you have control of it.

Of course, don't you want the FCC (or pick whatever agency) to consist at least partially of people with experience in the industries they're regulating? Obviously you don't want the FCC members to be loyal to industry, but total disconnection is pretty unrealistic for most administrative agenices (after all, specific