
"I'm just relieved there will be no more debate"

The FCC doesn't enforce indecency standards against cable channels, only broadcast. Cable network policies about language are pretty much just to appease audiences/advertisers.

I think my favorite little thing was the panhandler outside Jerryboree whose sign was (I think?) the aliened-up equivalent of "WHY LIE? WILL USE MONEY FOR DRUGS"

TIME Magazine Newsbreak:

They're definitely bills, they have a big ol' PAST DUE stamp on 'em.

Fuller tried to get the eldritch portal from the finale but didn't have room in the budget.

He took it much better than the Joker did.

Sadly, the only upcoming canine parts are for Luck 2: Dog Track.

Didn't the Verger underground surgical team have red scrubs when they operated on Margot last season?

Mason's just upset because that chair makes it harder to deal with all the pressing security issues on the Promenade.

The People's Subprime Loan

I don't think Playmakers got shut down because the NFL had any strong legal claim, though they could have threatened something for sure.

I think this single episode had more black characters than HBO's entire scripted comedy slate combined back to… forever? (Likely exception for The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency)

"Hell, any series that has Pornstache from Orange is the New Black…"

"Although I find the cast to be a big drawl"

We'd call those kinds of actors "Baldwins" if there already weren't so many goddamn actual Baldwins.

Staggeringly, this terrible system is actually an improvement over our first crack at it. Kate mentioned the election of 1800 in her review as a previous example of a tie.

That's an important question, sir and/or madam.

Al Gore retracted his concession… but that didn't end up working out for him so well.

I don't know, but the show has been serving up his turmoil-filled face on a regular basis for something approaching three years now, so one presumes he'll eventually do something.