
So, this puts the final nail in the coffin for the idea that the Jaime-Cersei rape scene was a deliberate change from the book, right?

You're all assuming that it will make it through the buzzsaw that is A.V. Club hate engine Phil Dyess-Nugent.

Having now read it, I'm retroactively applying that "boo." to the impeccably constructed but inaccurate and unhelpfully small and blurry bracket graphic.

Oh, Drive Angry it is, then.

You're in direct competition! Don't go easy on each other because you're fellow freshman comedies, I want to see you both fighting for Joshua Alston's love! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

I think I speak for all right-thinking people by booing loudly without reading the article.

She was gonna start with the bluff puff, then go right into the rough puff.

Oberyn did a pretty solid Inigo Montoya routine, but I feel like Inigo was a little more poised when his skull got liquefied.

That opening explanation, with its "compete for superiority" and "control of the computer could not be regained," is absurdly on-the-nose, simultaneously describing IBM vs. the cloners and Joe vs. the rest of the company (nay, the world!), and it also just sort of skirts around the edges of being accurate.

It's actually Byte in the show, the review is wrong on that point.


Even if the interview hadn't explicitly stated it, somebody has to die to keep the show's credibility on exsanguinations intact.

Your post doubles as totally believable Hannibal-serving-dinner dialogue.

Look, after a certain number of police visits to Hannibal's it becomes a case of the Boy Who Cried Intelligent Psychopath.

The teacup scene pretty much sealed it as a sure thing. (Of course, it's easy for me to say that now, but I was convinced, I swear!)

What this movie presupposes is: maybe he isn't?

In other words: he's bona fide.

The episode-ending freeze frame on Will mid-chew may be the most horrifying image to appear on the show thus far.

"We knew that we were going to be laying pipe with Margot": somehow not quoted from the sex-scene answer.

You just have to make the assumption that Natalie Portman was having all kinds of Bechdel-passing conversations during her time on Not In The Movie Island.