
Man, I love Last of Us, but second greatest game of all time is one hell of a leap. I’d contend it probably has the single best told story of any game I’ve ever played, but past the presentation, it’s a pretty standard third person action game.

Guaranteed she’s lining up a Fox News gig as one of their “bipartisan” talking heads.

Okay, but Aloy is a character, not a proxy. If this were a roleplaying game, that’d be one thing, but when you give a character an arc and their own agency beyond player choice, you should expect that the story is going to go in directions that are going to subvert what you anticipated or wanted.

I mean, she’s canonically 19 or 20 at this point in the series. Her coming out as bi or pan later wouldn’t be the wildest thing.

Ha! Fuck yes, your brother. I’m glad I’m not the only one who could tell Aloy was into Talanah.

Oh, I took a stroll through some Twitter comments and it is exactly what you’d expect (Especially with blue checks for sale now) I saw so much “go woke go broke” in there. A few others were spouting out “gaystation 5" as if it were: a. Clever or b. not something that the LGBTQIA+ community would want to call it.

It’s wild that we’re in an age that I could tell Seyka was going to be a romantic interest because of her body language (Coupled with the knowledge of Elisabet Sobek’s sexuality) in the launch trailer. Graphics sure have gotten advanced.

Yeah, maybe you should play more than a quarter of it before making these conclusions.

They could’ve gone further, but HFW makes it very, very clear that Aloy is attracted to women.

The 5th is wild and batshit and will always go with the most conservative ruling they can get away with.

Man, the rest of us have been jamming to this for close to a week already.

That, sir, is a bridge too far.

The concern isn’t a question of whether it should be okay for Disney to make up their own rules; it shouldn’t be.

Good fucking lord, the audacity of Chris Christie, of all people, having anything to say about government retaliation, is wild.

He puts it in the glove and says a oneliner.

If I were a spyiiiiing maaaaaaan

Man, I wonder what Job Stone Zelda got.


I am also outraged at the massive disrespect to the man so nice they named him twice.

I got it Sunday as well. Finished up last night because I couldn’t fucking put it down outside of working hours. It was exactly as engrossing as the original.