
This. The community has, more or less, adopted the first pump as a good game emote.

Every time I close my eyes... It’s Majima Everywhere.

Good fucking lord, get back in your hole.

Yes, because people who didn’t like Ghostbusters 2016 and are still bringing it up in 2023 are the real victims here.

I mean, it’s not like it’s a bad card now, it’s just not massively OP. I say this as someone who was using Leader to climb. I went from 79 to 91 between last night and when the patch hit today on a LeechLeader deck. He was god damn near unstoppable and if he was going to get stopped, you could pretty much see that

Somebody didn’t actually see the Wolverine buff, huh?

Is this not just a staple of the genre, though? Like, I haven’t played the most overwhelming amount of these sorts of games, but in my experience, you at best went back to the start of the sequence, at worst back to your last manual save. Like, the idea that there were actual autosave spots in Metroid Dread was wild

PoI is a strong recommend for me. If you watched LOST (And I tend to assume anyone who watched Fringe watched LOST), it’s got Michael Emerson in it and Gawker Media darling Amy Acker (Eventually). Plus bonus Taraji Henson!

Honestly, I can’t say how many shows I can say this for, but...

Honestly, I imagine part of your delay might be that (For a good, long while), it was actually really tough to find on streaming. It bounced across a bunch of streaming services. Honestly, I don’t even have a guess as to where it’s streaming right now.

Meanwhile, TLoU Joe Rogan is out there stomping on tendrils saying “I’m just being open to debate!”

Binging that show must’ve been a treat. I started watching sometime during season 3 and the absolute slog that was the second half of season 4 and the first few episodes of 5 was tough to get through week to week.

As someone who played TLoU and read most of the Walking Dead comic, this turn of events is wholly unsurprising.

Hot Take Time:

it really feels like there are far more negative zones than positive ones lately.

Also fun? Yanking an opponent’s Armor off of the Altar of Death.

I hadn’t even considered that, and he’s one of my favorites (I have two variants of him, I love him so much).

I love Warpath enjoyers as a Polaris enjoyer.

Storm, Rhino, and SW are all a blast on Gamma Lab. Drop one lowbie card to see if your opponent is going to take the bait and then change the lane once they’ve piled up crap cards and sunk themself there.

I’d be more annoyed with the bridge if Galactus weren’t so rare right now.