This game (series) is so horny that I might develop a pavlovian response to guitar twang.
This game (series) is so horny that I might develop a pavlovian response to guitar twang.
Part of me hopes not, I think the world needs an entirely new portfolio of lust interests.
Christ, right? “They sold out” is the counterculture equivalent of “well, when I was QB of my high school team...”
So, I actually haven’t played any other Supergiant games yet (Though I do own Bastion twice over), but I’ve just got to interject this:
Im sorry, I couldn't hear the "no sequels" complaints over the sound of me counting change to buy this game at least twice.
No lie, I actually own it twice. Had a GamePass trial that I started it on, got it on Steam when my trial ran out, and then bought it on Switch for cross play.
Hello? I'll take eight.
I fucking LOVE dropping a Hobgoblin on Shuri's lab. That double power absolutely multiples negatively.
It’s a stupid meme that Twitter edgelords love to use. It’s supposed to be “let that sink in.”
There is no reasoning with people who think that his sink bit was anything but cringe.
I had a hand this morning where we both played Hobgoblin concurrently on sewer. Dumbest thing I’d seen and I fucking loved it. We just both started spamming the Spidey sticker. I don’t even remember who won.
I actually had a Morph turn into BP yesterday (I don’t have him, myself). The guy dropped a Shang Chi after, presumably, not remembering that 4x2 is still only 8 on a space that doesn’t enhance your power.
Just seems like it comes down to piss poor planning to me. Like, if your entire deck is built around destroying your cards, why on earth would you LEAD with Armor?
I tend to drop Warpath on bar sinister. Maybe they drop a Hulk or Dino or something on me, but more often than not it works to goad them into wasting their Shang Chi right now.
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but I just played someone who played (in order) Armor, Sabertooth, Carnage, Deathlok on one spot and I just cannot fathom what their plan was.
Yah, I can't bring myself to spend actual human money on mobile games. $10 in play credit here and there? Sure.
Yep, my mistake. I saw “3w” in the season pass section , but didn't notice the "6d" right after.
$10 every three weeks, which, yeah, is a bit rich. I had some Google Play credit from a survey app and I dropped some for the symbiote invasion cause I loved the card back and Miles stuff, but I won't be doing that consistently.
I like Warpath as an Armor counter. If someone drops Armor early on, I'm pretty confident they're going to drop a big card there, so I just put Warpath down somewhere and ignore that field.
SW was my first ultra, because she will never leave my deck.