
I’ve never heard this story. By virtue of that, I'd have never gone looking for it. Is it that hard to just scroll on by?

I mean, Rebels past season 1 is no more a kid thing than the rest of the series.

I can’t fucking wait to bust out some of the more gay passages from the original novel when dipshits who’ve only seen the movie get pissy about it going woke.

Maybe it’s just me, as someone who's never played a Souls game, but DS is a comparatively niche game when put up against TLOU, so there were probably just less people talking about it in general. Hard pass to both for me, thpugh

This tells me everything I need to know. TLOU was a phenomenal game, but I’ve already bought it twice and I already replayed it right before the sequel came out. If it’s just, as a lot of us anticipated, the same game with a fresh coat of paint, I’ll just wait until it's under $10 on sale in a few years and just

Yep. All this "go woke go broke" shit seems to come right before whatever the right is talking about proceeds to make like 8 billion dollars.

Haven’t done any research on it myself, but developer doesn’t necessarily equal publisher. In theory, I imagine the publisher could've decided that they don't feel like paying Steam to host this shotheel's game anymore?

Slippin' Joanne?

Give him a good pat for me.

Where the god damn shit ass fuck are the pictures? Give us pictures!

I see your YIKES and I raise you a OOOOOOOF.

I, for one, loved Avengers Academy. That said, yeah, not exactly how you want to intro Arcade.

Arcade is a character I’ve been really into the idea of seeing in the MCU lately. His entire thing would just work really well in comics.

PC Game Pass is my favorite. There is fuck all on Ultimate I have any interest in and same with PS Plus (I’m on the Essential tier right now, but am letting it run out because I just never seem to touch the free games). I’ve been getting by for months on PC Game Pass coupled with my FFXIV sub.

It’s not like it’s hard to do, either. Just setup a spoiler article template in whatever the fuck you write the article in.,

God, someone with more talent than me (Like, a lot more talent, let's be real) needs to replace Andross from Star Fox 64 with him.

You are never going to actually watch this

Yeah, my son (Boy, as he is known around the house) and I loved the last game and were discussing which pantheon we’d like to see them kill next.

I would absolutely love to see the Venn diagram of people on here bitching about Nintendo charging $40 for critically acclaimed entertainment media who also defend landlords on Twitter.

Guys, this headline is a pretty big spoiler, no matter how many of us expected it from the moment the show was announced.