In what world was her costume ever going to fly in live action?
In what world was her costume ever going to fly in live action?
Never been a big anime guy, but Cowboy Bebop was my jam on Toonami in High School (CB, Evangelion, Trigun, and My Roommate Is a Cat are the only anime I’ve ever finished.
I was so enamored in the visuals my first time through, I was barely paying attention to the actual words in the voiceover.
Fuck, I’m going to miss Hickman. I’m super hyped for him to succeed on Substack, but he is probably the single best creative mind Marvel has had in decades and probably the best architect they’ve had since Claremont or Busiek. Like, he’s managed to wholehog revolutionize all three of their premiere teambooks at…
You could make a pretty decently sized Wolverine game if you play it more like Uncharted than Spider-Man and have it set on a more linear, level-based structure. He’s never really been the localized type, so him hanging around in one spot would be a pretty short adventure. You could pull a decent length, though, if…
I dunno, the barebones of the Arkham combat system (At the least) could work pretty well. Wolverine has a similar brawler/ninja dynamic to him (Thank Frank Miller and his undying boner for ninja bullshit and his prolific career in the 80's), so you could more or less lift a lot of the basics from that engine if you…
I’d hold off on Metroidvania. My Metroidvania pitch for a Marvel game would be Cable.
Hadn’t thought of this before (And I almost feel like it’s been in a game before), but they could borrow the whole Alien: Isolation mechanic of being constantly hunted. Wolverine has a relatively obscure enemy called Shiva that’s just a robot designed by Weapon X to hunt down former experiments. It learns each time…
They’ve even done it before, to an extent. The old Genesis X-Men game, Wolverine was unique in that if you used up his power bar, he’d just start bugging out and attacked anything and everything (Including himself) and could even more or less thrown himself down a pit.
Honestly, I always found the one in the new Tomb Raider. It was by and large subtle.
And not a lot of people going to the movies during a pandemic, lack of competition is a shitty way to write off a film that was an unqualified success for week one.
Patrick Pinney.
How is no one pointing out tracking?!
Vampiric edge? I’d imagine Morlun would be more likely, and he’d make a lot of sense considering there’d be three Spider totems in this one.
Won’t lie, I was never huge on the Matrix films.
Of what I've listened to so far, my standout is Diet Cig's Unforgiven. Weezer's Enter Sandman is bottom of the list for me, it's just so, so bland.
I just got into Yakuza this year and have been watching clips of the movie on YouTube occasionally. Now that’s a movie that looks badgood.
I recall considering it “good” when it came out because it was one of the best video game movies to date, at that point.
I haven’t seen it since I was a kid, but I distinctly recall Double Dragon being the absolute worst in a long series of really, really fucking bad video game adaptations of the 90's. Like, top to bottom bad: bad acting, bad directing, bad script, bad makeup (Oh god, don’t look up Abobo, just don’t) and special effects.
Yeah, Tomb Raider is absolutely a movie that is best described as “about two hours long.”