Cyberpunk 3040.
Cyberpunk 3040.
They might be holding it in reserve to see if this one makes release window. It looks pretty far along, but if it were to slip to, say first quarter 2022, being able to coincide the announcement with “Oh, and btw, here’s a PS5 enhanced version of HZD to catch up while you wait.”
Nintendo’s done this for years and a lot of people touching on it here, but I wish that game “deadlines” would go away. “It’s ready when it’s ready” would solve some of the biggest issues in the industry (Crunch, retail releases as betas).
Strong agree. This was one of the few mechanics I really disliked. Like, the mechanic is fun in the likes of the Arkham games or Tomb Raider where you can utilize it while in motion to keep dodging.
4k is nice and all, but that HDR is going to floor us.
This. There are few games where bringing a bow to a melee fight is more satisfying and that hookshot looks like it’s going to make it even more fun.
I just don’t get how people can love one and hate the other. I adored both.
BotW2 is, realistically, a year or two away (At minimum). Nintendo has never been shy about delaying what they deem to be a finished product. Sony trying to target around that would make no business sense.
Well, no shit?
Yeah, I was pulling for Engineer like Cid in FFXIV, but most people had figured out Reaper within hours of the last video.
Never played on before, but I do own Kiwami, the 3-5 remasters, and Zero (Also maybe 6, but I honestly can’t remember). Sooner or later I’ll really dig in.
I’m playing through Ghost right now and the climbing is one of the few things I absolutely hate about the game. It’s just so finicky sometimes. I feel like only three franchises have managed to make climbing not miserable: Tomb Raider, Assassin’s Creed (And they’d kind of have to, at this point), and Zelda (BotW…
I’ve been playing Resident Evil games since the Director’s Cut edition of the original (So, second iteration back in like ‘97) and I will say straight up that 7 is probably the best Resident Evil game (Resident Evil 4 is the best game in the franchise, but it’s where the series got off track) the franchise has put out…
FWIW, and I don’t know if this is something that’s new with the Ultimate Edition or a patch, but Control has some pretty robust difficulty sliders currently.
Oh god, yeah. I’ve been working through sidequests lately (Actively leveling all jobs, so I’ve been doing them for funsies while I’m in queue on DPS) and I just got to the post-SB sidequests and enjoyed seeing them touch on Wilred’s death.
Oooh, ooh! Link to source on that last bit?
It should easily help matters a good bit with everything. The PS4 slim’s base drive clocks in at about a fifth of the speed of even the lowest end SSDs out there.
FWIW, SSDs have gotten cost effective enough that hybrid drives are more-or-less pointless. A quick look on Amazon drives it home: you can actually get a 2TB SSD for less than the cost of a hybrid drive.
Yeah, that’s a weird statement to make. I cannot manage to make the controller work for me, but I’ve been playing MMOs on PC since like 2003. I feel like it would be much easier to manage if I wasn’t so used to keybinds and the like.