
All well and good, but m.2 SSDs are fucking expeeeeeeeeeensive. If I’m going to have to invest in one after ten whole ass games, that’s going to get pricey fast. God help us if it’s got the same ass backwards internet speeds as the PS4 had (It’s a little disconcerting that a “deep dive” on the specs has nothing to say

More or less, yeah. I bought an Xbox 360 about a year before I got into PC gaming and as a result, I had a library of like four games total for the thing. Never bought an original Xbox or Xbone. Microsoft is just terrible at getting AAA exclusive content if you’re not into grimdark shooters (Your Halos and your Gears).

I dunno, I still see more Carvey than Dick. Maybe it’s cause Andy Dick looks kind of like a melted Dana Carvey?

I’m also concerned that they’re missing the forest for the trees here. An SSD is a nice luxury feature, but if games keep going up and up and up in file size (Like the 100 GB FFVII Remake), then a single TB isn’t going to come close to cutting it unless they’re also somehow going to single handedly get the whole

Yeah, unless this thing drops as some huge loss leader, I’m going to be waiting. That SSD is going to drive the cost up massively. If they deliver on the persistent rumors about full backwards compatibility across the Sony spectrum and keep the cost under $500 I’ll be tempted to bite, but both things sound unlikely.

The thing that Xbox and Sony fanboys don’t seem to get is that so long as those specs are remotely close, you’re never going to see any third party content taking full advantage of those extra couple teraflops. Publishers need to make sure the games can run on both.

“No load times” Custom SSD or not, I’ll believe it when I see it.

*Ahem* Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

I knew I could count on io9 for Samaritan references from this episode.

I’d say it’s cathartic to preach to the choir on it, but the choir is mingling with the fans here and it’s in poor taste, comments section or no.

Full disclosure, I heartily disliked it.

Christ, people, let people enjoy things.

Just for sale. I think it’s supposed to be hitting D+ on Tuesday anyway.

FWIW, HZD is 3 full years old now.

Wait, hold up, there are people who liked the return of Palpatine? I know plenty of people who liked the movie, but no one who thought Palpatine’s return was good (Either from a storytelling standpoint or from a pulling it off perspective).

God, when it got to the scene where you’re walking down a hallway high fiving clone troopers, I’m immediately all “These are some friendly clone troopers. Ah, fuck, I’m about to have to escape Order 66 aren’t I?”

Rewatching it, I was honestly thinking that they could really play with the idea of her not having died. What if there are actually two Ahsokas running around now? One, then one Ezra pulled out, and another trapped underground for who knows how long after being nearly killed by her former master. I’d love to see

And another thing! I just rewatched the Maul/Obi-Wan fight from Rebels and man, I’d forgotten how good it was. Honestly, as much as I want to see more of the adventures of Sabine and Ahsoka and to see what became of Ezra and Thrawn, I would also kill for Filoni to do just a vignettes series focusing for half an hour

Don’t forget Aaron and Gillen. Both of them had stuff on this very list.

Christ, just give us Rogue Squadron Ultimate. All of the previous missions and vehicles, just with updated graphics. Lord, the idea of a 4K resolution Rogue Squadron on a modern size TV is top of my list now.