
Add to this the fact that the theiresponse to the attempt to raise the age for purchasing an assault rifle after our last mass shooting was knocked down because it was against the second amendment, and soon we’ll have Texas fetuses with assault rifles. I mean, if they’re a person, it should be allowed on the same

I’ve got what I’m hoping will be my “forever” cars - an RX8 and a Jeep JK. Both are manual with as  little tech on them as I could get (had to order the Jeep to get what I wanted). With any luck, these two should get me through just about any situation I encounter. And make sure that my mechanics have plenty of money

All thoughts about rotary engines are silly. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being silly! My first thought was “i wonder just how much my guys would charge...”

That was actually my other option 😏

🤞🤞 I'm holding out for on top of Putin’s head!🤞🤞

What ifs like “what if they started taking women’s rights away?”

Gotta keep the population (of people that don’t look/think like you) down somehow!

Neither this nor the Taliban have all that much to do with religion. It’s about power over others (women are just low hanging fruit). Religion is just the cheap Halloween costume that’s being used to distract everyone from this fact.

I don’t really get the warranty calls much - I told them I have an RX8 with nearly 120k mi.

I really wish you hadn’t posted that. Now I have an image of that disgusting face in my brain!

(Insert “not schooling no illegals on my tax dollar!” rant here).

You need to warn us before posting things like that!!! That thing is pure nightmare!

Had a ‘70 Satellite in highschool, but I’d forgotten about that manual steering until now. It had the 318 in it, but it was the most powerful thing I’d ever driven. It also had no AC. And this was the summer of 1980 in Dallas. I remember driving around the city, just to see wheret the roads went, and it was HOT

That seems to be true of just about every Goodyear I’ve tried.

Totally agree! As a matter of fact, I‘m in thea planning phase of driving down to an Airbnb out by Big Bend. Seeing the neighbors required binoculars, but the stars were so close you could touch them! 

I wish that I thought you were wrong, but gone are the days of our gov doing things that are helpful to anyone but themselves and their cronies.

A couple of small, odd things on my ‘16 Wrangler.

😄Made the same “bad choice” (second one)! My favorite bad choice. That’s a shot of my center console in “disco mode.”

“Bizzarrini produced some of the most beautiful sports cars of all time, including the Strada 5300 seen above, which broadly shared its design with the Iso Grifo. The long hood concealed a Chevy 327 small-block V8, though you’d never suspect as much in pictures.”

somethinThere’s something just a little obscene about that photo. A bit like we’re seeing some secret sexy thing that we weren’t meant to see.