
I think you make a good point but Tom agreed to let Laurie drive him on the condition that she gave Jill space though so she was honoring that agreement with her son. I am assuming too if she read the letter Jill would not have felt rejected.

Still bitter about the ending of Lost?

And she looks like she just ate a lemon.

Fantastic review. Your attention to deal is extraordinary! The blood and the milk shake blending together and metaphor implied, the polka dot top, the Reagan poster, "Okay then" versus "okay Then" are Easter eggs for keen viewers. Besides quirky charm I love how Fargo squeezes every bit of tension out of action

This review is tough. Fine Grace and Pete but don't have chemistry but we are not tuning in to see a romance blossom. At least I am not. I don't think this show is as dumb as it is being characterized either as it is giving almost every character a logical motive for being the Red Devil Killer. That takes some

TV at its best! Best hour of TV since Mr. Robot. Satisfying to see a show in hands of master storytellers, actors and directors, especially after FTWD (meh!). The way the show jumps around in time is compelling. When the girls were streaking through the woods that had to be either a flash forward or flash backward,

I like this show but far fetched to think Max would be sexually charged up for Helen even if Max did pine for her when younger. Helen wears a sour puss on her face and she's neither cute nor sexy nor exciting. This relationship requires a suspension of belief in my eyes. I just don't think he would be that into her.

It was not rife with problems at all. It was just slow to provide much clarity which was a narrative decision not a problem per se, specifically when we learned why the Mom turned her back on her family and joined the cult. Thats when the show came together for me and *** SPOILER ALERT *** when we learned around

I think you understand the subtlety of the humor as it is intended in contrast to a mostly PC audience waiting to be offended. I agree with you the jokes are not meant to be laugh out loud funny but more of poking fun at the outrageousness of narcissism and self-entitled culture. I was thoroughly entertained

Who knew this guy was so thin-skinned? Unless his strategy is to deflect from the fact that he knows nothing about foreign policy and has no real plan to deport 11 million illegals and by feigning anger at the media he taps into the anger of the voter he is trying to attract. I have a feeling this guy is going to

This show is equal parts compelling and annoying. Why would the Dad be so dismissive of the kid for seeing the flickering light on the roof? It's not so far fetched someone would be beyond the fence and with the electricity off it is not like they have a lot of entertainment options. Then the Dad shares the info

I am a casual fan though it is true I did not read the review. I only skimmed enough to conclude the critic takes this shit way too seriously.

She is hot AND knows how to wrestle….that's what makes her awesome. Did you see her do a somersault flip over the top rope all the way to the floor…that was BAD ASS!

I am not really understanding this weekly post. Wresting is sports entertainment and a bunch of guys running around in tights pretending to hit each other. Do we really need this high brow critique of glorified soap opera for men? You got this 55 year old guy running around in face paint….what do you expect in terms

I am not sure what point you are trying to make but I think Jeb was booked partly b/c Trump and Hillary declined. To my knowledge Colbert was playing a character on his previous show and the conservative views he expressed do not necessarily represent his own.

I thought he subtly mocked Bush for his campaign slogan which is Jeb! and talked him into a corner by trying to get him to say his brother was not conservative enough. Thats hardly verbal fellatio.

For the record Johnny was more of masters of ceremony. He wasn't really a performer. He was a straight man with a dry wit and flat delivery. He was great in his role but also predictable and stiff. If you like predicatble and stiff, Johnny was your guy.

I laughed a lot at Oreo skit and the hummus promotion. It is a smart brand of humor that is refreshing. Colbert showed more emotional range in one show than Dave in 25 years and I like Dave. I am interested to see if every show will open with National Anthem. I liked how Colbert announced his own guests. Jeb Bush is

That's a possibility too. :)

The unknown visitor at Elliot's door has got to be Krista.