
Not that house her new house. Now that Kevin is "dead".

Strong theory

The look on Michael's face to me was one of being distraught. Like he knew Kevin was in for something bad by showing up.


I interpreted it differently. Kevin's dad said the visions did not go away until he started listening to the voices. Kevin was going to take Patti's guidance regardless. He asked her if he should drink it and she said "yes". She only yelled "no" as he was drinking it because this meant the end of her.

Welp I guess Nora can return home now.

Its worth it once you get past the halfway point of S1. There are revelations that tie the story together.

And acts.

Good theory on "old religious black guy who sort of has weird telepathic abilities" I think you are right

Another epic hour of TV. Just give em all the Emmys. Kevin's admitting to visions was just as strong and riveting for me as scene with Nora and Erika. I think one of the smartest things the show did was make relationship between Nora and Kevin solid and open and loving. It gives the show an emotional center amidst the

And you're modest. The Bad Girl sketch was kind of clever, no? The Drake parody made me chuckle. The opening sketch with Hilary and Larry David was funny IMHO. If you don't think her trying to contort herself in a chair like a pretzel to feign comfort and Larry David yelling about taking a kayak across the river b/c

Only an angry and unhappy person would take the time and effort to say something so rude, so I'd be glad for you to walk away.

I am SO rooting for Ed and Peggy! I love their characters and sweet dysfunction. :) I feel it is not going to end well but I am hoping one or both of them will be left standing when the shit hits the fan. I think Peggy might make it out this mess but Ed's a goner. I hope I am wrong but if and when either get what is

Glenn is lucky if he is dead then he wouldn't have to suffer through this 90 minute bore-fest! Just joking it was alright but "B" at best not an "A". And lets not get carried away calling Eastman a great actor. He's fine. He was matter of fact speaking in casual tone most of the episode. That's not great acting

You angry, bro?

Jack's willingness to lie was scary and awesome. I liked how it was easier for him to lie on TV than to admit to Nathan he wasn't working out in the shed. A guy has got to have standards. Actually now that I think about it he only admitted to it when he was caught. Well he is a 70 year old man with 22 inch pythons

The zombies in this episode were bad-ass! They were appearing in droves in their finest Halloween attire and it was awesome! If only the writing was half as cool then we'd have a show. I agree with the AV review the set-up is stale. We get it the Alexandrian's are clueless and Rick can do no wrong. Can't the writers

Do you think Evie and her friends running naked through the woods was a flash forward? Instead of disappearing they were transported to some unknown place and immediately under threat… maybe they were running from a wild dog or the Ghost of Patti's Husband and his poop fetish.

Real original ;)

She's fine but in the context of the other actors I don't think she stands out; not an insult to her but testament to the cast. I actually think Nora is a better actress. And even though she got a lot of grief in season 1 for being the impetuous teen, Jill is great too. And the baby is showing some strong screen