
Tool Aenima

His character reminds me of the computer hacker from Banshee.

Thank you for this great review!

I really like her too. She's vulnerable and strong character which is hard to convey simultaneously.

You have a conniving mind. ;)

I don't understand Colby's role in the 26 deaths. Elliot framed him but he was guilty, right? What is Angela doing…trying to get him to testify so he can down all the executives responsible? I freaking love this show…I can't wait for Elliot to use his hacking powers to discover the guilt of Wellick which seems like

And when Mr Robot is talking to other characters this is actually Elliott or a part of his mind and personality disguised as Mr Robot. That's my theory anyway.

I can't believe an awesome network like HBO green lighted this trash.

I have to give props to Anita. She is a great actress! She's so convincing as a robot she is mesmerizing to watch and not just because of her beauty. Her timing and delivery is flawless. I am really enjoying this show unlike Mr. Robot which is becoming a chore to watch.

They ended up in pawn shop b/c they had pictures of the missing valuables including watch from insurance records on Caspere's home after invasion and abduction.

You are rude.

You would like him to be more mature and evolved? There's no humor in that.

You're being naive. The point is all men (except the 0.1% below) can relate to doing or saying something dumb or irrational to try to impress a pretty girl. Those who cannot are either gay or skipped adolescence.

Unlikable? He's hilarious. Phil is the MOST likable character on TV!!! 99.9% of guys can relate to Phil and the way he's acting. Irredeemable asshole and most unlikable character on TV is a little harsh if you have watched this show from the start. Phil did not like Carol from the beginning, he was coerced into

I feel Hood had one more shot as the helicopter flew away…TAKE THE SHOT HOOD TAKE THE SHOT!! If only there were a motorcycle and ramp nearby…or a military grade jet pack. For once I got a prediction right! I thought last week Gordon was a goner and other good guys would survive. Now Hood can reunite with Carrie, they

Job needs to stick around for the reasons you mention, i.e. he's beloved, and because w/o his hacker skills they can't pull off impossible future heists and rescues, like finding the whereabouts of Emily in 3.2 milliseconds. The writers paint themselves into logistical corner if they get rid of Job. Sugar is more

Hood needs to save Job to redeem himself in Job' eyes…and for the bromance to be rekindled. I have feeling our hero is going to step up.

Great review Les. You are doing an awesome job with these recaps! Regarding the comments below, I am fairly confident, not really but sort of, that Gordon is going to die in the season finale when he attempts to rescue Carrie. This will set up dynamic for next season for Hood and Carrie to reunite and become a family

This is a bizarre statement, Caroline. I take this to mean if Forte were not talented and funny then there would be no justifying playing a straight white guy, as if his race and sexual orientation is something to be overcome.

Am I the only one who had to Google 'constable'?