I say Good day sir!
I say Good day sir!
They made their way down to the tires somehow.
I for one wouldn’t mind a prequel featuring the back story between Ja Rule and Monica. I want to know more of the ‘why’ since I have “Monica!” stuck in my head every time I get passed on the freeway (which is a lot)
Are the rivets holding your undercarriage about to fallout too? (That stupid floor panel)
They wisely chose an auction to avoid the low ballers.
My quote for the day after he won the election was another great one from a Mel Brooks comedy... “I knew it! I am surrounded by assholes!”
I can’t disagree in the current market that is crossovers but it would probably do a lot better with Honda or Toyota badging.
Fine choice,
Somebody quipped on another site “I hope the hospital food is good enough for him.”
Reminds me of my old ‘99 Escort. Pop up the hood and in big letters right in your face was “Split Port Induction 2000.”One would think it had magical powers or was high performance. Don’t let the name fool you, that car was slow.
*Checks door jam of Ferrari.
I am shocked the following flight still took place mostly because I would have thought all the Tim Horton’s the Captain spit out on the instrument panel would have resulted in a mechanical.
Back in my day, only the nerds in college could afford an STi so it kind of makes me happy now that the vaping, backwards hat wearing dudes are now having a chance to shine.
“We seemed to have misplaced your baggage, I mean car.”
If he pooped ahead of time does he face premeditated feces smearing charges? Is someone going to age this poop to find out?
<insert obligatory statement about the video correctly being filmed in landscape>
You are forgetting how important Trumps hair styling is to him
Agreed. The narrative was lacking. Hopefully once everyone gets their feet wet a bit more it will get better.
That damn broken A/C will do it every time.
Agreed. I was only stopping in the showroom in a mall in Montgomery County, MD (near DC) to see a car and buy a T-shirt and before I left they had me sitting in one and put me in touch with the representative to arrange a test drive. No judgment received for my clothing (wearing an old tshirt and shorts) or my lack…