
I still don’t get it... like that old saying Your parents told you when you didn’t want to eat your food “there’s starving kids in Africa,” there are families in need around the world that could use these vehicles and don’t give a damn if it doesn’t meet stringent safety standards.

This video needs to include Snoop Dogg’s “From the Church to the Palace”... ‘three fourteen inch rims, is riding on their sides(they are riding on their side?), yeah they are riding in the side.’

They would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for those pesky kids and their dog.

We have only put 250 miles on it so far so my review isn’t going to be all that credible. But for the time I have spent in it, I like it a lot. The reviews are accurate about it being slightly underpowered, but otherwise it’s a joy to drive. I was hesitant to get a VW again, but the headroom is pretty amazing which is

My dad had a manual Loyale that was silver with chrome paneling on the lower panels. It sounds awful, but it was quite sharp. I cried when he sold it just a few years before I hit driving age. I would have loved rocking it and possibly throwing on a lift kit on it.

Our week old VW Atlas

You could try the GMG/Fast&Loud method of flipping a coin for it.

Well this is reassuring. At least I have a VW, but I am sure there is something else out there

I am thinking about it now. Living in Maryland and all.

Thanks for this... now I am more paranoid that someone is going to snatch my wheels on my new ride while I wait for the wheel locks I ordered to come in the mail.

Agreed. I hope they can bring the full specials to the show.

Those daggone Millenials!

Or he could just give it to charity... I mean me.

Someone will inevitably reply with 5 crappy jeeps for the trade...

I love this scene.

Does the Red Commanche come with overnight parts from Japan? All those boxes in the back and that color have my Fast and Furious senses tingling

Gives birth you say? Does this mean this car meets the definition of a living being? It eats, sleeps, excretes, and reproduces. I am pretty sure it checks the boxes.

When I started watching the video I was worried tha it would just be showing the truck not actually hitting the ambulance from different angles. I saw all these comments about the clip first, but part of me still had a thought that everyone was in on it. I was relieved to see the truck hit the ambulance. I can sleep

My previous ‘04 XTERRA headliner pulled down from the front near the windshield on the driver side after only 3 years. I spent a few hundred having the headliner replaced, which made me mad since it was an obvious quality issue from the manufacturer. I have noticed since others with the same issue.

I find it very classy that Dale Jr. waited until everyone in his crew had a beer before chugging away. A true gentleman. Or bro.