
If you want to see one, they have it at the national air force museum in Krakow. That and lots and lots of MIGs

This is rich person LeMons except with more contact and less fucks given.

I want to see this as a 24 hour enduro. Oh the carnage!

If you represent the normal GW players this sounds like a nice change of pace compared to League.

Take your basic economics and GTFO! Everything I buy should appreciate in value, especially technology related items.

Aren’t you guys required to hate Uber for some reason?

Would buy this in a hearbeat.

The biggest error would be to pull a Tavarish and buy a used BMW only because it’s cheaper. The best bet is that econo car car you can afford but a version that’s aged 5 years. Maintenance will most likely be reasonable and you’ll be saving money over new. But really, this is a car site, we all make dumb financial car

You can buy shares in an S&P 500 ETF with minimal overhead and your returns would have mirrored the index.

Meh, look at the S&P 500 over the last 30 years. No need to take on car debt to invest but no need to be alarmist either.

Not that these are driving impressions “GRUNNNNNNT (heavy breathing) AH MY TESTICLES. Now the trunk release...” More of this please.

Those two symbols are apparently a neo-nazi thing, so they probably should...

Typically the caption should read “Hideous butt protected” when the fanny pack is facing backwards.

This is 1000x better than the Autoblog video of the ACR which was a guy idling around the track listing ACR differences from base. Looking forward to the rest of your video!

Some people can make it without a support group, good job on you buddy!

Over 1 month and no stalls! Do you get a chip?

Next time you can just link to a bosozuku video

I’ve never felt like quoting ICP more in my life

I think Sackbut is one of the features highlighted by these emojis.

Tell that to Kevin Costner and his bulldozer.