
Now where can I buy one (or 50) of these 2002s?

Love this idea for a recurring column. Now put the turbo on your Jeep!

Andrew, this is one of the best articles I’ve read on Jalopnik. Excellent piece!

You are a patient man.

I agree that if you’re going to do this you should budget $1,000 a month into a savings account as a rainy day fund for when the engine inevitably grenades. Also, the strategy of buying at the bottom of the depreciation curve is great but doesn’t appear to be well executed with a $34,000 M5. I’d expect this car to

Those rims don’t look safe.

Good article, Tyler! I paid $10k more for a Land Cruiser of similar year/mileage with the hope that it will be cheaper than a Land Rover in the long run. Looking forward to future articles documenting your foray into British automotive engineering.

Never do anything ever.

Different tastes, equally pointless and unsafe would be my guess

That is the first time I’d rather have the Donk version of a car. If you’re going horrible, go full horrible.

Bosch K-jetronic still gives me nightmares. CP at any price.

I started out on Jalopnik and ended up on my grandpa’s blog. What a journey.

Is the preferred approach to only pour a little champagne in to minimize consumed foot stank or to pour a bunch of champagne in to dilute the foot stank? I’m leaning toward the latter but will consider any opinions of Australians who have consumed sweaty foot alcohol before.

Sure you can, just get 60 of your neighbors who also hate toyotas to get a local law in place which is what is happening here for better or worse.

Haha it does seem like the more expensive the less of an eyesore. My neighbor had one of those adventure-mobile things in his driveway for a couple weeks, pretty BA.

Yep neither sound great to me.

*Posts reasonable comment evaluating both sides of the argument on Jalopnik*

Excellent math, however the fact that as their next door neighbor you can’t see past it makes it the equivalent of anything which blocks their view, hence worse than a van or boat. It would be fine parked in back out of sight but it’s not something that anyone would say is nice to look at, especially if it lives there

Honestly this is probably worse than a rusted out work van, this is the equivalent of having a semi-tractor trailer parked in your driveway. Aesthetically displeasing for sure. Neighbors are overreacting but nobody would think a giant trailer like that looks nice parked in front of their neighbor’s house.

Did they crash a Corvette too?