Enrico Palazzo

Are we 100% sure that the most recent temperature spikes are actually from CO2 and not from the plethora of scorching hot takes on Colin Kaepernick, though?

Everybody knows that math is a liberal hoax.

Because compared to those changes we can and have measured from previous epochs, the one happening now is also happening significantly faster. We’ve had a shift happen in a less than a century that would normally have happened over thousands of years. It is happening far faster than evolution can compensate, and the

You have to start at human history and watch what happened from there. you can’t start from the beginning of earth. If you start there you will also notice millions of years of the same crap until a cataclysm occurs/major change happens. Just looking at the past 400 years what cataclysm occurred that made the earth

For the lazy:

Statements like these have no fucking place in a democracy.

fought by child soldiers apparently!

Of the deleted posts, two were Gizmodo, one was Jezebel, and three were Deadspin. Zero were from the Gawker that “died” (Gawker.com proper). Aside from one Deadspin post about the apocryphal tale of Chuck Johnson shitting on the floor, the rest of the posts contain accurate material.

Good journalism pisses off powerful people. That's kind of what it's for.

Legitimate grievance post from journalists who do not wish to see their stories silenced because they make some people unhappy.

It’s not extremist at all. I’ve been trying to figure out how Trump’s supporters stay at almost a fixed percentage of the population, yet cuts across many demographics. I’m also pointing out that the USA is not unique here, as many countries have current elected officials who are authoritarian. Take Rodrigo Duterte of

It’s not an exaggeration to say that a majority of Americans do not feel good about either major party candidate. Both candidates have record breaking unfavorability ratings.

You'll be happy to know that there are at least a dozen countries that have elected dictators in the past few years. Anti-authoritarianism does not equal socialism. But you probably can't think for yourself.

Hello Eugene,

Austria already had a Donald Trump. It did not go well.

Paper ballots are (and will remain) significantly more secure than any form of digital voting. Online voting can never be made secure.

Depending on which timeline you're from, Matt has always been here.

They actually have been studied, and found that 1) Christian scientists and don’t actually prohibit vaccines, like other groups such as the Amish and Mennonites, so there isn’t a homogeneous population as people will get vaccines when there’s a clinic, but they lie about status (invalidating right there), AND it’s not

To answer the question “How can any docs do this?”: