Trump has spent his entire professional life not delivering on unrealistic promises that he’s made. I don’t think he’s going to change now.
Trump has spent his entire professional life not delivering on unrealistic promises that he’s made. I don’t think he’s going to change now.
Much of Trump’s political career is based around telling racist lies. I don’t now how someone could want him to be president, and not be either racist or very ignorant.
It’s from this movie.
The memo is dumb. The post by Nolan is tongue in cheek, and mildly funny. I don’t think anyone is offended. Besides maybe this group of people you’ve created in your own mind, and deemed “the left”.
Make a deal with her. If Obama doesn’t cancel the election, then she has to leave her batshit crazy (and Islamophobic) megachurch. Then hold her to it. If you do that, then you did a good job.
Hungry eyes
Their turbans and beards make them noticeably foreign. And they often are mistaken as Muslims. Sikhs have suffered a lot of violence at the hands of the kind of (racist) people who are emboldened by Trump’s rhetoric.
What the fuck are you talking about? You can’t assault cars. I don’t even know if you can call this vandalism, since nothing was damaged
He never said that. If you don’t believe me, then just ask Sean Hannity. Call Sean Hannity and ask him if Trump was going to self-fund. Listen to me, Sean Hannity will totally tell you Trump never said that. Sean Hannity always tells the truth, and I don’t mean that in a braggadocious way. Biggly.
Everyone knows the ACA needs to be tweaked. No new legislation the size of the ACA has ever not been tweaked. It’s a normal part of governing. But the Republicans won’t allow it, and will only vote to repeal the whole thing. They want the ACA to fail, and they don’t care how many Americans they harm in the process.
Pretty much yeah. Not in the way Trump is saying it will be rigged. But He did help end the recount before it was finished. And when the margin of victory is only 537 votes, a full recount is pretty important.
Well said. I hate when I hear people say that Trump isn’t a “real” Republican, or doesn’t represent the party. He’s just blatantly saying the same stuff that Republicans have been hinting, and dog whistling at forever. The base doesn’t love him because he’s saying anything new. They love him because he’s giving them…
Haven’t you heard of Trump’s law? The riggedness of any given election is inversely proportional to the number of votes Trump receives.
Fair enough. But I want to point out that the situation you described is extremely rare. Ever since welfare reform in the 90s hardly anyone gets checks anymore. In fact now only 11% of all welfare money goes to cash payouts. States have diverted the money to all sorts of things that have nothing to do with assisting…
Entitlements just means a benefit which everyone who meets requirements receives. No matter how many people that may be. Everyone who is qualified, is entitled to the full benefit.
Eh, every campaign does have poll watchers. But the way Trump talks about the need for poll watches at his rallies is chock full of racist dog whistles. I haven’t heard anything like it from any previous campaign.
They will be yet another shameful, and racist element of the Trump campaign. But I don’t think there’s any chance his “poll watchers” will flip the election.
If Friedman is the court jester. Then what does that make David Brooks?
I completely agree. His speeches are nothing but empty platitudes, buzz words, and contradictory statements. But his supporters always seem to piece the bullshit together into exactly whatever they wanted to hear. They’re like choose your own adventure speeches. No two people hear the same thing, but they all hear…