Not trying to be a dick here but:
Not trying to be a dick here but:
I don’t think you can consider yourself reasonably well informed on Syria if you don’t know what Aleppo is.
Wow, how low the bar has fallen in 2016. There’s nothing “gotcha” about this.
How many times has Hillary both answered and acknowledged fault with her e-mail servers? How many times? I’d honestly like to know, because it seems like at LEAST a dozen. Maybe this was a valid form of inquiry the first 3 times, but you’re NOT going to get a new answer from her! Was the server issue wrong? Probably!…
Gary Johnson has somehow, in the span of about 10 seconds, stolen the crown of leading bullshit artist right off of the Republican nominee’s head.
Ann Coulter is the ‘rolling coal’ of people. The people who buy her books don’t read them, they just like to think that they’re sticking it to ‘libs’.
Every accusation from a conservative is actually an admission.
Police shooting windshields is just their latest pushback against the calls for transparency.
Was the windshield tinted black?
She buys groceries?! I assumed her sustenance came from turning her head 180 degrees and eating the face of her partner during copulation.
But it isn’t terr-ism when white boys do it!
Daesh/ISIL hasn’t killed millions. The Nazis did, though. Allowing organizations and movements that align with Nazi ideology, which are actually growing in power and influence in Europe with Russian support, to fester and recruit unchallenged, is a very stupid and short-sighted idea.
millions? really? ISIS is evil but they havent even come close to millions, or even hundreds of thousands. The vast majority of deaths in Syria are not from ISIS but from aerial bombardments from Assad and the Russians. The estimated death toll in Syria -ISIS and Assad combined is ~400,000.
Eh, hate speech is bad and all, but
Gizmodo comments: hey look white supremacists coming out of the wood work.
White supremacists have killed plenty of people in America - MANY more Americans than ISIS has.
Right, but the terrible people in question are coordinating, funding and recruiting murderers for domestic terrorism.
Really? We haven’t had any hate crimes since the Civil Rights Act passed? No black churches shot up or burned in the last year?
With gizmodo’s current audience, I expect this article to get a tons of pushback from people claiming that kinja and twitter are hypocrits for not being tolerant enough of intolerance. Then there will be a large contingent of grey comments denying that modern day segregationalist aren’t violent and shouldn’t be…