I only keep listening because they actually state facts and in a way that helps me measure where things actually are in reality. the calmness does not to me equate reassurance. but I don’t blame you.
I only keep listening because they actually state facts and in a way that helps me measure where things actually are in reality. the calmness does not to me equate reassurance. but I don’t blame you.
for me it was the New Yorker. it was a constant stream of Trump articles. and this was during the primaries before he was the front runner. it was constant to the point that I had to stop reading and hide them from Facebook. it was a new article every day about Trump. and the NYtimes, I almost had no idea even where…
I honestly think that they should ignore his twitter all together. I still blame much of the media for putting us in this shit hole to begin with. I want to support them but I also need a major mea culpa. I know they kind of need to refigure how the do they news, but they need to figure it out fast.
have you thought of turning those news alerts off? I am trying to take back control of how I digest news. the first thing I did was turn off those notifications. with all the access I have to the internet and to the news as it is, I don’t need a daily heart attack on top of it.
and she wore those capri pants! scandal!
it was an auto-correction I missed.
that’s what bullies and dictators want - to drain our energy. art helps inspire. we have to keep that going.
*cis gendered not cod!
I miss Joe Biden. he was the closest we got.
absolutely. keeping focus is imperative. I don’t care about crowd size or wall building right now. now is time to focus. I have a lot of friends freaking out and I keep trying to tell them to remain as calm as possible. especially if they are white and cod gendered. it is hard. taking a break is helpful. I went to an…
it is called being a hypocrite.
I am just waiting and hoping he does something to turn them off completely. he has been a puppet lately and that scares me. but Trump only stands for Trump. I hope he screws them over too somehow and then they will get pissed.
right. isn’t this kinda sorta a good thing? I mean it is bad for America because everything he touches is bad for America right now. but also, I mean, I would rather he was distracted by something ludicrous than actually accomplishing anything. and isn’t the fact that these orders are barely legal also a good thing…
YES. all of this.
that said my baby boomer parents protested and voted actively for both Bernie Sanders and Hillary. they aren’t all terrible (and neither are millennials).
my first election was for John Kerry. I know and many people I know - understand what losing feels like. it is a sinking feeling knowing we had four more years of Bush. I think that is why people my particular age group fought so hard for Obama. but even then things were split between Hillary and Obama during the…
I don’t blame any one group. I was more musing on why the enthusiasm wasn’t there.
I love how much Chicago freakin’ hates Trump. he holds grudges and he is absolutely going after Chicago for kicking him out.
you don’t even have to be that “old” I’m 30 and I remember everything clearly. but a big theory I have had in the last year when the younger voters weren’t coming out - is that they just don’t remember. a lot of the 20somethings oONLY remember an Obama Presidency. Bush was ancient history to them and given the fact…
not to mention all the people who voted for Trump because they didn’t think he would actually DO any of the things he said. WHAT KIND OF THINKING IS THAT.