Three Mass Effect games from now the series will include kids as a new feature... Kinda like how Mass Effect Andromeda introduced WOMEN for the first time in the series history.
Three Mass Effect games from now the series will include kids as a new feature... Kinda like how Mass Effect Andromeda introduced WOMEN for the first time in the series history.
The guy in the video keeps referring to the cavalry as the “cavarly” and I can’t deal with it...
You know... I would totally watch this guy’s reenactment of the entire Cardcaptor Sakura anime.
I’m one of those people who will tell you that Final Fantasy VII is the best JRPG ever (even though, if I’m being honest with myself, I know it’s not). This is simply because the game was so immensely important to me during a very crucial point of my development as a person. Final Fantasy VII completely changed how I…
Starting price was $o.o1 and the current bid is $565.00 !?
Nintendo Switch - not just for heterosexual non-pornstars.
Oh my god, the Metal Gear Solid V ones are AMAZING!
That’s just, like, your opinion, man.
I mean, that’s fine... I’m never going to live to that age myself.
There are 7 billion people on this planet.
You’re not the only one to think, feel, or do anything.
You think you would go into war with another nation because the White House is full of cartoon characters? I’d appreciate it if you found some other way of dealing with this than killing others.
I came here to see if he was the cool kind of snake (a python disguised as a human, or shape-shifting alien snake-person maybe).
I can’t fucking believe this.
So, Tilda Swinton thinks its okay that she took the role that should have gone to an Asian actor — because her NEXT PROJECT stars an Asian actor.
Not trying be shallow here
Ubisoft is French.
If that’s news to you, you’re gonna lose your mind when you learn that:
Come on... no one is this pathetic.
The thing about VR is that you need to develop a tolerance for it.
Leon hasn’t looked like himself since Resident Evil 4.