
Not surprised you have no idea what’s happening in the world.

lol look at me, still talking about “ideally”.

This is you living in your own reality. Lucky for you it’s a very common mental illness among the leftists so as long as you stay within your echo chamber you will never have to confront it.

Do you people really believe she could win?  Wow

Better than at any time since Bill Clinton gave them nukes.  You probably didn’t know that.  Now you do. 

Didn’t say she did. She applied to teach at Harvard. On that application she checked “Native American” for her race. She did the same at Penn.

Trump made peace with North Korea.

Lizzy Warren is good at making herself rich and famous but not much else. She has done nothing in office. She also seems mentally ill and very unstable whenever she talks. She’s a twitchy, drugged up weirdo.

Ok then don’t be mad when Justin Bieber starts calling himself the next MLK Jr.

Read the title as “Michael Cohen....”  Would be much cooler if it was a LGBTQIA+ Consent Drama about the BBC with Michael Cohen as the star bottom. 

Who the hell is Sarah Jong?  I’m talking about a Chinese woman appropriating a black cultural and civil rights ICON.

Nikki Minaj also said she’s the new Harriet Tubman which is pretty racist considering Nikki is more than half Chinese.

This is because it is federally illegal, just like entering our country without permission.

NBD - Canada’s weed is horrible compared to what you can get in Colorado legally and most other states illegally.

People say that black men are the biggest homophobes but that’s not true at all.  There are more gay black men than any other race and it’s not even close.  They are very accepting of gayness and transness.  I wish people would stop spreading ugly rumors. 

Ash - That is called “humblebragging,” not “mansplaining.”

Low IQ Woman blames others for people angry at her lies.