
This is some hitchhikers guide to the galaxy level sass.

When I wish upon a star, I wish for the day that useless, delusional attention whores like this guy will be left silently pissing into the wind, with nary a line of press coverage to inspire the next one. Is there even a remote chance of this ever happening?

Sometimes I wonder how low the Bar is set to become a lawyer.

Also women must not have small boobs to be a 10 according to Cheeto Jesus

And pull out the fingernails from his tiny baby carrot fingers.

Give me West Elm or give me death.

Mocha is the biggest feminist bunny you’ve ever seen. She’s yuge. Like, terrific, she’s going to absolutely blow away the competition. Yuge!

Shammy is all about women’s rights, especially her own, and she is bored with Trump.

Norman, too, is quite the feminist.

Sparrow likes sitting on my lap while I go on feminist internet rants. That makes her a feminist by association, right?

AHHHH I can’t wait. Samantha Bee has become so damn vicious and I’m so here for it.

It would have to be a YUUUUUUUGE stack of money. Enough to pay for a fancy hairstylist who could subtly hide the fact that I’ve been balding for decades.

Oh Megyn <sigh>.

Exactly. If she hadn’t claimed to be making tough decisions because journalists should hold candidates accountable since August, this wouldn’t be so much of an issue.

Trevor Noah didn’t tell her how to react. He was floored, and I was too, that she confronted him with all of his hateful tweets and let the whole thing go with an “did I do that? Oh, excuse me,” then moved on like it never happened.

Incidentally, “kid gloves”, also the name of the mittens from the children’s department that Donald Trump must buy to fit his tiny hands.

She just set herself up to get dragged to dust by Samantha Bee tho

Frankly, I’m disappointed she didn’t take him to task. He was awful to her for months. I don’t think I could sit there and be as soft on him as she was.

It is bee-yu-tee-full yuge hair! The best hair!

Fuck this woman. As much as I’ve hated her, I cringed for her and supported her just as I would any woman being attacked by a Trump-type. No “you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas” finger-wagging either. And now she will paste on her fake smile and say whatever bullshit she needs to say in order to help this