Brooke Chook

She used to be on our local NZ soap opera a few years ago.

Someone to help Bobby perhaps?

New Lorde Song!!! National holiday in NZ!!!!

As a devoted feminist, I feel like I should be offended by hooters, but dammit when I went to the US, hooters was near the top of my visit list. #noragrets

I don't think it's sweet…but then I live in NZ where we're only 10 years removed from all mayo being sweet and digusting. It's more savoury and umami.
I think there's an AV club piece on Kewpie from a few weeks ago.

Ok, so you don't like mayo….have you tried japanese mayo?

Wait, is mayo on a pizza supposed to be weird?

If you didn't like season 2 you prob won't like s3, but a lot of people said 4 was the next best season….

Dihydrogen Monoxide is especially dangerous, and it's everywhere, it's in our pipes, in our taps, in our food, even in our bodies!!

I make this all the time, it's so easy and no-one i've given it too has not loved it. Trick is to use potato starch. It's harder to find than corn starch but it's worth it.

New Zealand Marmite is the best. British marmite has a bit of a weird texture IMO. Don't like Vegemite as much and will fight anyone who says it's better than NZ marmite.

Grats dude! :)

Agree with all of this!

I thought the timeline changed. After she called, the car suddenly belonged to a random woman and disappeared, But then I didn't understand why the car was in the woods unless the timeline changed again?

Yep, they ran a bunch of season 1 episodes in season 2, not in any order just put in randomly. The show had season arcs that then made no sense.

I kinda loved it too!

Chewing Gum was amazing!

Yea it was originally announced at 12 episodes but they split it. There's at least 6 more coming as season 4.