Brooke Chook

Not sure that Krystal would even want to hang out with those weirdos!, What do you think she would make of Helena!

Here here!

There's a second season???

There was something kind of awesome about the old lady villain off between Duncan and Coady. seems kind of rare for TV and I was there for it. Coady is delightfully creepy and even though I wasn't very invested in castor I like them bringing her back and kind of tying up the series.

Actor availability.

I think it's Gloria, to protect Daya.

You can knock season 1 off in a couple of hours. You won't regret it!

"I went to the doctor the other day" "What did they say?" or something like that would be a fairly common way it's used as a singular pronoun, I'm not sure why people have so many issues with it.

I have a Show Me Your Riffs tattoo down my leg. I love it so much!

I mean, Hanna hasn't done anything good in years in my opinion but I still love her. But a good singer she was not.

Haha same.

And the drums!!!! One of my all time fave songs.

It's more poppy than the other albums but I don't think that means it's worse. I appreciate the differences in each album and All Hands has some epic songs on. I also have Show Me Your Riffs tattoed down my leg.

Agree, I think Courtney Love is underrated as a vocalist. She's wacky AF but her voals on Violet are incredible.

SK are my fave band. I love all their albums but aside from s/t I can never pick a fave. They're all very different but great in their own way. I always wished that they could re-record Call the Doctor with Janet on drums, I think it would become my fave in that case but yea, SK were always amazingly consistent. I saw

I don't think it was confirmed. Guessing he talked to Agnes Cho!

It's fun but somewhat meaningless. I feel like it gets better throughout the season though. I haven't seen S2 yet but I would recommend Killjoys if you like Space shows! It can be a little corny though.

Thank you, that's where I recognise him from….

Tell me about it. Not totally sure of the context I this movie but just once I would like the female action hero to get the girl ya know.

Ok, then name another show with a character who, in your opinion "is pretending to have no gender". Since you think it's pretty tired, you must be able to name loads right? (for the record I know 2 webseries, and no other TV shows)