Brooke Chook

I know, If they cast a bear for a human part, everyone would complain, but when it's the other way around, apparently it's fine. Double standards…

Side note, but the show has already been shopped to international netflix's. In NZ ( and also Aus/UK/Canada) netflix has exclusive broadcast rights. Wouldn't be suprised if the picked it up if CW did cancel.

What's his name moderate supreme court justice wouldn't overturn RvW so will probably need one of the libs to stand down. Or die (RBG better be getting regular AF check-ups)

Nah I just rewatched and you're right, she said 85% of people were full-timers.

I want!

Well the lesbian didn't sleep with a man and neither of them tried to get pregnant through insemination, nor turned into a crazy psycho, so they avoided the major ones!

They could definitely run it on one time payments, there's going to be new people dying.

Perhaps after big (Justified IMO) speech to Yorkie, she realised that Yorkie had never got to experience that…

Agree, and I felt Young Kelly had a similar tone and cadence in her voice to old Kelly, at least in the more dramatic scenes. Great casting!

Kelly also said that full timers were 80-85% dead people, so their must be some scope for the living to be there full time. Perhaps illegally, or super rich folks.

I don't think they said, but I imagine that full-timers could probably do this in the same way they were able to change outfits.

everyone dies, I don't think it's that sad to think they will eventually get bored and unplug themselves. I juts find it happy and hopefully they have a 2nd chance at love (or in Yorkie's case, a first chance)

Not really related but I think the show did such a good job with Kelly and that guys 2002 fashion.

I hope so! It deserves something for music at the very least!

The sad electronic bit that played over many scenes was so fucking perfect!

I dunno, I thought the run down from the other guy in the car perfectly described why Kenny would be terrified even if it was just vanilla porn.

It's Posh Kenneth!

She was just out walking and someone took a picture of her. The entire outfit is a black beaning and a mustache…

This movie was so fucking weird.

The middle of the season was fantastic but I do not think it finished strong. I'd probably watch cos there is some cool shit but….