Brooke Chook

Every head of faction on this show is a woman so it wouldn't suprise me!

WHERE'S THE PERSON OF INTEREST REVIEW!!! Oh wait it's already out :)

I love Disco Pigs so much!

But the lab results were switched with that cop guy. I was never quite sure but it did seem like they were siblings.

Google around, she was in vancouver while they were filming 408. It wasn't for Xcompany though it was for a film

I can understand people being mad about another dead queer woman, but after a little bit of research I found out that the actress was only available for 409/410, so she was never going to be in 408. Given that they've literally written the last two seasons around her availablity when it would have been way easier just

I heard they had to green screen Alison and Helena's scenes together because the two actresses wouldn't be in the same room together!

I guess that's where we differ, I found the Mark and Paul interaction to be uneccessary and ham-fisted, but each to their own.
I agree the mindreading thing doesn't really work, but it seems like at this point only Kira can do that?

"Tatiana, put down that muffin we're filming, bloody hell don't put mustard on it!"

If you want to feel better about the Alison Donnie thing, my headcannon is that she cheating on Jason in high school with Donnie, so she tells him that she met Donnie in college.

I know, I can't even eat my dinner if I have my hair out!

It was Reese and Shaw. They hopped out and then calmly stole a helicopter.

I was so confused about Sunita Mani's character. I saw her name in the opening credits so I assume she would have a big part and her character would be a Samaritan agent or something.

If Tat and Amy got a nod this year I could die happy but the emmys wouldn't know greatness if it smacked them on the ass.

I don't know how she's not doing big name stuff though. She's an above average actress with great range and she's painfully hot.

I guess my issue is, this would have been a great culmination of Root's life after S2/3 and half of 4, but she's really changed in the last season, defying the machine for Shaw etc, it just seems a bit backwards, and I think they could have done better to foreshadow it, like her shapes monolog should have come up in

I.Am.Devastated. Epic episode but it's gonna take me a while to get over it.

But will it be better than Root on a horse????

I wasn't surprised, she's so gay sometimes it's easy to forget she's straight. Or maybe not straight I guess.

Somewhat, although they appear to have endless resources and Team Machine is really the only thing standing between Samaritan and total omnipotence! So it makes sense that they would try their hardest to break Shaw!